lll ⇌ 102

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I finally gathered myself together and started my shit-car. Running low on gas, as always. My car always gave a little, annoying beeping sound when the gas tank was coming close to empty. And just to my luck, the beeping noise started as soon as the engine buzzed to life. But the noise seemed less, and less, and less annoying each time it went off (which was frequently). Luckily, there was a gas station nearby the apartments I had just left.

I pulled out from my current parking space (which was ironically on the side of a very busy road). Then, I switched my stereo on and tried to find a decent channel.

"Miley Cyrus seen with L-" I turned the channel before the annoying woman reporter could finish whatever the hell she was trying to convince innocent people. After relentlessly searching through the uninteresting stereo channels, I switched my it off, arriving at the gas station. There were many open spots to pump gas, so I chose the one closest to the actual station; only because I was far too lazy to walk from the farthest spot to the station. I pulled up to the pump, parked the car, and got out to start filling up the tank.

It had snowed like a week ago, and there was still small piles of the stupid, white stuff everywhere.

Pumping gas was always a moment filled with deep thoughts for me. I thought about the band usually. Like how we were never going to make it. But none of us had the heart to tell Matty. Sometimes it was amusing to imagine us making it big. Stadium-packed arenas, money basically falling from the sky, endless amounts of beautiful women for all of us. Sadly, those are all things that would never happen, no matter how much luck any of us had.

I noticed I had almost overfilled the gas tank, so I quickly jerked the nozzle from the little hole in my car. This car had singly the worst mileage ever (even though it was actually a small car). I pulled a couple bills from my back pocket, and made my way into the building.

As soon as I opened the door, I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of warmth. I felt like I should've been in a pair of shorts and some kind of small top.

Then I saw her. The girl that said no. She was standing behind the cash register, looking down on something, most likely her phone. She had a button-up t-shirt that matched the gas station's colours, and a hat with the logo of the station. She had the usual rings decorating her fingers, two chokers, and a looser necklace on. I'm almost positive she didn't have makeup on. But either way, she was beautiful.

I walked up to the counter, nervously. My eyes were glued to the floor, and they weren't breaking away from it. "Uhm.. I bought 7 litres." I said quietly. I felt her eyes on me. I felt her watching.

"Yeah. That'll be €7.17." I don't think she knew it was me. "Hey, you're that guy that asked me out the other night." She laughed.

My heart almost sank. I felt my cheeks getting red. "Uh.. Yeah." I handed her the money from my pocket, and tried to find a way to leave.

"Listen." She said. "I'm sorry about the other night. Uhm.. Can I make up to you?" I shook my head no. "I get off at 20:30."

"No. It's fine.." I said, trying to stop anything from happening. I doubt it would've worked either way.

"No, it wasn't fine. I was being a bitch and you know it." She let out a small laugh. "Please. Let me make it up to you." I thought about it for a moment. Maybe it was worth a try. "I honestly don't care where we go. We could go to a rubbish bin for all I care."

"Just as long as you make a better impression on me?" I laughed. I just wanted to get this over with and take her for coffee or something.

"Pretty much."

"We could just start here." I gave her a smile and stuck my hand over the counter. Then, I stood up as straight as I could and tried to look professional (which is not anything close to what I am.) "I'm George."

She put her hand on mine and gave it a firm shake, imitating my fake professional persona. "Nice to meet you George. I am Meredith." We both laughed and went back to our regular, slouched frame.

"Well." I sighed. My heart raced because I was actually getting a chance from her. The girl that said no.

"Oh! But he way, I live in The Royal Gardens flat place." She laughed and rolled her eyes. "I know, I know. It's kind of a shitty place. But," she waved her hands around the gas station, "it's all I can afford."

"Meredith." I said firmly. "I will be seeing you tonight. I'll be by a little after you get home from work." I put my professional self back into play. "Nice to meet you, again." I turned around without saying another word, and left.

102 // George DanielWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt