Chapter 7: Normal Life

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Daniel looked down at his watch and then looked up and down the street.

"Late." He thought to himself. At that moment, a shape turned the corner and jogged towards him.

Cali stopped in front of him. She bent over, placing her hands on her knees, each breath heavy.

"You're late." He told her with a smile. She looked up and gave him a small glare.

"I got here as fast as I could." She straightened up and wiped a small bead of sweat from her forehead. "Besides, I'm only five minutes late. You're just obsessed with your schedules." He smiled and they began to walk together down the sidewalk.

They made their way to a small sit-down restaurant down the street. They walked inside, found a table and began to look at the menu's many options. They discussed the options, exchanging banter along the way. Smiling. Laughing. When had it become like this? When had they become so close? Daniel couldn't help but question his current situation. A week and a half ago they had met. A week ago, he found and hid the murder weapon. Ever since, they had met up almost every day. Sometimes at his place, sometimes at cafes and restaurants. Sometimes to discuss the investigation, but sometimes just to talk.

Cali made a joke. Daniel looked up from the menu and smiled. He enjoyed her company. It was weird. He should stay away from someone so curious, someone so close to figuring out his secret. He liked the company, the laughter, the talking. It made him feel less lonely. Loneliness. Something that he would never had admitted to experiencing before. Something he now felt deeply when he went home by himself.

It was better for him to be alone. For him to live alone. Work alone. For him to avoid even the most basic of relationships. He reminded himself of this constantly. It was safer. Safer for him. Safer for the people around him.

"Just until she gets tired investigating." He told himself. Was it a lie? He couldn't tell.


"Are you going straight home?" Cali asked as they exited the restaurant.

Daniel shook his head and gestured his head in the direction of a small store. "I have to pick up some groceries for dinner first."

"Oh, then can I join you?" She asked, but it wasn't a question. She was already leading the way to the store with cheerful strides. Daniel smiled and followed.

Cali pushed the door to the store open and Daniel followed behind, fishing in his pocket for his grocery list. He was sure that he had brought it along. He stopped to look in his pocket more thoroughly. There it was, shoved into the deepest corner of the pocket. He looked up again and was met with a stare. A little boy stood behind a parent at the checkout counter. He stood there, a blank expression, full attention on Daniel.

Daniel's first reaction was confusion. Did he spill something on his shirt during lunch? The next reaction was realization. It was Carly's little brother. Daniel recognized from pictures in the newspaper. The third reaction was discomfort. Daniel tried to pretend he didn't notice the boy's eyes. He avoided eye contact and instead looked down at his list, pretending to read its contents.

Cali appeared and tapped Daniel on the shoulder.

"Why are you just standing there?" She asked, peering down at the crumpled list in his hands.

"Ah!" He said, looking up at Cali. "I couldn't find my grocery list, but I've got it now." He held the paper up as proof.

He was about to flash Cali a smile. One to try and hide the nervousness he felt, but then he remembered, "The only thing he could make out in the darkness was the man's smile.". That's what the store owner had told him about the boy. The only thing the boy had been able to see of the murder. He kept his mouth shut tightly.

Stay calm and act normal. The boy couldn't suspect him. There was no reason for him to. Unless–

He shook the thought from his mind and went to start his shopping. He was in and out in five minutes. 

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