Chapter 3: A Good Day

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It seemed as if the rain had begun to wash the crime from the town's mind. As Daniel made his usual walk to the coffee shop, pieces of conversations caught his ear. No more hushed voices. No more worried glances. The conversations had shifted to talk about windows left open in the storm. To trees fallen in the high wind. The crime of only two days ago, temporarily forgotten as soon as something more recent and interesting came about. People really did have such short memories.

Daniel smiled as he walked. It was a good day. It was a nice temperature, not too hot or cold. Blue skies reflected in the puddles littering the streets.

"Good morning Dina." He said cheerfully as he walked into the coffee shop, flashing Dina a smile. She returned the smile.

"Good Morning. The usual I presume?" She asked as a formality, already beginning preparations for his drink. He nodded. It wasn't very crowded in the shop today, so he stayed by the counter to chat.

"Some storm we had yesterday? I didn't see much of it, but I heard the wind did a number on some people's yards." He said. She looked up; her eyes excited to tell a story.

"I guess I picked the right topic." He thought to himself.

"It wasn't too bad in town, but I guess the winds got really rough a couple miles up the road." She pointed to her left as she talked. "Up that way, where Mr. Wilkens lives. You know, the man who always wears the brown coat and blue shoes? Anyways..." She continued to relay all of the stories of damages she had heard to Daniel. She paused work on his drink often, stopping to talk with her hands. He didn't mind. He had plenty of time. It was a good day. Finally, about five stories in, she realized that she still hadn't given him his drink.

"Ah! Sorry, I talked your ear off didn't I! You should've told me to stop sooner!" She handed him his drink with a smile. "It was nice talking with you though. Enjoy your day!"

He smiled and said his thanks. He walked to his table, took out a book and began to settle in. How relaxing routine was. He made it about five pages in when a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders. He jumped and knocked his knee into the table in front of him. He turned to look behind him. His eyes widened; it was Cali.

"Ah Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You really are jumpy though."

Daniel reached down to rub his knee where he had bumped it. He put a kind smile on his face and looked up at her. Before he could even say hello she began to speak again.

"Wow, you look studious with your tea and your book. Whatcha reading?" She reached forward and grabbed the book from the table where he had dropped it in surprise. "I've never heard of this one. What's it about?" She grabbed a nearby chair, pulled it up to the table and took a seat.

"Uh, it's not really a–" He began to say.

"Oh! Is it crime? Or mystery? Those are my favorite genres." She cut in, excited. He gave her a frown.

"Ah...sorry for interrupting you." She said, looking apologetic. She smiled again. "Did I make you angry just now?" She teased. Daniel had never dealt with someone like this before.

"Not at all." He said with a smile. It was closer to a lie than the truth, but she didn't need to know that.

"Oh? Then why are your hands in fists?" She asked with a smile. He looked at his hands. They were clenched into tight fists. He opened them and looked at her. Before he could come up with a response she spoke again.

"It's okay! I'm just messing with you!" She laughed and then frowned at him. "Gosh, don't get so flustered, you're terrible at hiding your emotions you know? Anyway, tell me about your book. I'm sorry I interrupted before." She leaned back in the chair and waited for him to speak.

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