She smiled looking at me.

“Oye hoye... Today you look innocently hot”, she commented sitting in front of me.

“Never mind if I look hotter than you”, I winked at her and we share a laugh or two.

“So, How did your dealing with the whole Sadhna's scenario go?”, she asked me looking at the laminated menu in front of us.

“Well, I guess it went well. She has decided to stop.”, I inform her, repeating her action.

“But you know, old habits don't die easily. I guess she needs therapy”, she suggested.

“But, you and I both know that it's not worth the therapy”, I sigh and she purses her lips together.

“I said her that if she is repeating her actions, I am going to send her to a rehab center”, Prisha says after a moment.

“Prisha, my heart says that, she won't repeat her mistakes ever again. She is not that girl”, I try to comfort her.

Even if I cut Sadhna off my life, she will still remain a best friend to Prisha and, no matter what, I can't cut off Prisha from my life.

No matter, whom I choose, both of them are bound to stay in my life.

Such is the scarf woven by the string of love and luck.

“You know, I don't want to sound rude or offensive, but it's our date, right? And I don't want to talk about her...”, I admit as I sigh out heavily.

She passes a smile at me and nods, understandingly.

What more do I need to love?

We talked. We talked for hours. About this and that. About him and her.

“Don't you think Hardik and Diya didi are kind of similar in nature?”, she asked stirring her straw through her strawberry milkshake.

“Hey, I was just thinking that. How do you read my mind everytime!”, I chortle.

She giggles.

“Really though. Both of them act the same way, like both of them are pawns to the same game”, she said tilting her head to the side.

Ugh... Why did she need to do that?

“And what game do you think it is?”, I lean ahead and wink at her.

“Maybe, that's the game of what we don't dare to play?”, she leans towards me and whispers.

She swipes of a little chocolate fudge icecream and mess it on my neck.

“Oops... You need to clean it”, she said as she leant in and literally sucked on my neck.

I had to fight back a groan.

She goes back and looks at me innocently before slurping her milkshake.

She is testing me?


I mess a bit of ice cream on her lips.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now