"Just because I was at a gay bar doesn't mean I'm gay," Harry stated.

"But- You-that guy-" Sirius sputtered.

"Oh. Saw that did you?" Harry shrugged.

"But Tonks...you said..."

"That she was cute, yes. I'm into girls too. The term is bisexual. Top, bottom, gay, straight. I don't care as long as I get laid." Harry explained simply.


"So where's the rest of your possé?" Harry asked again, trying to get back to the subject seeing as Sirius was having a hard time comprehending what he just said.

"My what?" Sirius asked completely confused.

Harry rolled his eyes, "The other people that were with you yesterday?"

Dumbledore stepped forward and answered his question, "Kingsley and Tonks have returned to work and Professors McGonagall and Snape have returned to class."

"Ah. I see. So how do I get to this school of yours?"

"You take the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross Station. Platform 9 ¾," Remus explained.

Harry nodded in understanding, "Cool. Well see ya," he waved and turned to continue walking.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Sirius suddenly cried out, following.

"Home," Harry answered still walking and they followed.


"Because I was at work and now its time for me to go home," Harry explained like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"You work?"

Harry looked at him incredulously, "How else do you think I'm getting by?"

Sirius shrugged, "You stole from a bank?"

"Yeah, that didn't work out." Sirius stared at him. "It was a joke."

"Oh. Haha haha ha..."

Harry rolled his eyes and smiled, "You didn't think I really broke into a bank did you?"

"You look like you could."

"Thanks for your vote of confidence," Harry said dryly.

"I try. Soo...what do you do?"

"I'm a waiter at a restaurant down the street," he answered gesturing vaguely behind him.

"Cool," Sirius said bobbing his head.

Harry glanced back behind him to look at Remus who was listening to them with a slight smile and Dumbledore who was looking at everything in absentminded interest. "You're following me," he stated stopping in his tracks.

"Yeah..." Sirius said uncertainly.

Harry thought about the pros and cons of letting them follow him home and decided to just let them. They would find it eventually. He sighed and continued walking, "Come on then."

Sirius grinned and jogged to catch up with him, Remus and Dumbledore following close behind.

"So why did you call him Moony?" Harry asked.

"It's his Marauder name," Sirius explained.

"What's a Marauder?"

"Well! Let me tell you..." Sirius then began to explain while they continued to walk.


"...so I turned Peter in and cleared my name," Sirius finished.

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