Euphoria (fun fact this is my favorite chapter)

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It was a cold night, everytime you exhaled you were aware of your breath. It was somewhat comforting- despite what you were about to do you were still human and alive. A faded smile shook on your lips as Denkis warm hand wrapped around yours. You could tell he was nervous, the small shocks of electricity in your hand were proof enough, you turned and saw his eyes staring nervously ahead.

The gun never felt heavier than it did in that moment. It weighed you down in the pocket of your hoodie. You leaned against the cool bricks and looked at the night sky. Endless dots of light shined in the sky, twinking and fading over you with no regard for what was about to occur. Anger bubbled inside of you. How come these stars got lucky enough to be born as stars and you were unlucky enough to born into this? It seemed like a curse. Yeah. Yeah, it has to be a curse. Some kind of god was sitting among the stars laughing at the twisted irony. 

"Might as well give em something to laugh at," you mumbled to yourself and pulled up your mask and hood. Your metallic leg shivered under you, but you paid it no mind. As you wrapped your hand around the gun, you felt something puncture your chest.

Dark thoughts twisted in your mind and snapped through your conscious. The colors faded away to a dull, dull red. Bright smiles, happy memories and a promising future turned red. Red, red, red. 

You watched the world freeze in place, the only sound was you and Denkis feet pounding against the concrete as you looked for a woman with black hair and blue eyes, a scar running over her nose. It didn't take long. With one foot off the ground, the woman had a permanent smile etched on her face, her long black hair braided down her back and her blue eyes unfocused as she looked at the sky. You pulled the gun from your hoodie and pointed it at the womans head. One pull of your finger, one action was all it'd take to change everything. To determine your fate and have this day be irreversible. 

With a deep breath, you slowly blinked and when your eyes opened they shined a bright red. A gunshot filled the air. You pulled Denki away and unfroze time, watching as recognition flooded her features and her body collapsed. A pool of red was dashed through by onlookers, voices clashed in horror and hidden from sight, two teens eyes glowed red.

"Denki?" You mumbled, squeezing his hand as you watched people scramble for help.

"Yeah?" He turned to you, his eyes unfocused.

"I feel..." Your voice trailed off as you searched for the words, "...great."

"Yeah. Me too."

"This... this... euphoria! It's amazing - indescribable!"

He pulled down his mask and smiled at you, "Euphoria... yeah. That's the right word. C'mon, let's head back."

You walked through the alley, the screams lighting in your ears like a beautiful melody and you couldn't wait for the reprise. 

"Euphoria..." You spoke out loud, "We should call ourselves 'Euphoria,' when we help the League."

Denki hummed in satisfaction, "I like it! We'll leave a mark."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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Denki Kaminari X Reader - Euphoira (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now