Looking for Light - (Y/N) Fights the LoV (GORE)

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Hitched breaths and wide eyes. You looked ahead, fear boiling in your veins, as the purple vortex grew and engulfed the large arena. You took an unconscious step back when the pale man stepped forward, his face concealed by a decaying hand. 

"Everybody!" Your head snapped to your teacher as he yelled, pulling his yellow goggles over his eyes, "Stay back! These are villains!"

These are villains.

Your heart rapidly beat in your chest; blood rushed in your ears. The blue haired man's laughed rang through the room, a familiar weight settled over your chest. People around you were yelling, but you didn't understand a word they were saying. 

An explosion brought you back to reality, you saw Katsuki launch himself at the purple vortex.

"Katsuki!" You yelled, running forward to grab him. He looked towards you for a second, his red eyes narrowed in determination... and that's when it happened. In his moment of weakness, the purple vortex swallowed him whole. You screamed and charged towards the vortex in anger, "You fucking asshole! Give him back! Give me my brother back!"

"(Y/N)!" Deku yelled, his gloved hand barely grazing your wrist as you jumped into the vortex. 

The next thing you knew, everything was purple. How long were you here? How much time had passed? You weren't sure, but you knew something was wrong. Your hair floated around you, it took so much effort to move your limbs. Something sticky attached it yourself to your body, you tried to pull away but it held fast. A heavy, metallic taste lingered in your mouth. 

Your body crashed against the ground. You tried to open your eyes despite the blurring pain, muffled clashing surrounded you. You tried to pull yourself off the ground, only to be met with a sickening snap. 

"Does it hurt, (Y/N)?" A voice spoke above you. You shakily raised your head and met eyes with the blue haired man, "Are you in pain?" You tried to crawl away, the man snickered under his breath and stepped on your leg, "All of you All Might brats are the same. Running away when you're in trouble." He leaned over and you felt four cold fingers encircle your knee. "You don't get to run anymore." 

Pain.  Burning pain. The world spun, your voice gave out, you thrashed but it didn't stop. Torture, you thought to yourself, this is torture. After what felt like hours, the pain slowly fizzed out and the man lifted you by the hair. He opened your eyelids and forced you to look at the bloodied stump he held. 

"You really need a leg up on the competition," He laughed, eerily genuine almost sweet sounding laughter, "Get it?"

You looked at the ground and saw blood pooling on the ground below your... 

Bile raised in your throat, you looked at the stump and threw up. He was holding your leg. He took off your leg. He dropped you to the ground, letting your blood soak into your clothes, kneeled next to you and pulled your dismembered foot from your heel. 

"Heels while fighting? You really didn't think this through." 

You bit your tongue and turned your head to the side, tears, blood and sweat mixing below you. 

"Do you want this back?" He tossed your leg on your chest, you looked at it and vomited again. 

This is it. I'm going to die. 

"I wonder if you can get some kind of mechanical leg... like Edward Elric! Now, that'd be cool. See, I did you a favor."

With dizzy vision, you looked around the USJ. Katsuki, Deku, Todoroki and Kirishima were fighting a lumbering beast. Your hands dug against the dirt, some remnants of desperation etched in your head. You heard watery footsteps, you snapped your head to the side and saw the man walking towards you, his hand outstretched.

"Until All Might shows... I might as well kill some of you brats." He sat on the ground and smiled widely as his hand approached your face. 

"Stop..." You choked out, tears blurring your vision, "Stop." 

He slightly pulled back his hand, "You're not unconscious? Little hero, you're holding up better than I thought you would."

"Please stop. I'll do anything just... stop hurting me."

"Anything?" His voice rose in interest, "Anything. Hm, I think I'll take you up on that. I'll start by killing your brother over there." He jutted his thumb at Katsuki, who kept getting distracted by your bloodied form while fighting. The man stood, stretched his arms and began to walk.

"No..." Your voice caught in your throat, "No. Please, no. This isn't what I... no. Katsuki! KATSUKI! KATSUUUUKIIII!" 

Red bloomed in your vision; pain burning through your skin. Through the flames, you saw the man turn to you. He spoke, but you couldn't hear it over the roar in your ears. "Katsuki..." 

"I am here!" A voice bellowed.

You looked at your hands, trying to resist the urge to vomit when you saw how chunks of flesh fell to the ground, your hands burnt beyond recognition. With the last bit of your energy, you turned to see All Might leading a group of pro heroes. "We're... we're saved..." The world spun and turned black.

Denki Kaminari X Reader - Euphoira (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now