• To the Tower •

Start from the beginning

Outside of the cage, a flash of red light appeared. "Oh?" Headon turned his head at the direction of the light, expecting a boy, but another girl was laying on the ground where the light had took her. The girl slowly sat up and glanced at her surroundings, her eyes finally landing on Headon and she gasped. This girl had her blonde hair tied up into a ponytail, and she had distinct freckles on her face, and was wearing a light red dress with a contrasting dark red ribbon tied around her waist. (A/N: I really wanted to smash my screen while writing this. Ugh, Roachel.)

"Mr. Fairy! Is that you? I've read about you in a book! There's a fairy that leads people up the tower! That must be you, right?" the girl asked excitedly. "I'm Rachel! I came here to go up the tower!"

Fairy? Who does she think she is?" Headon thought and raised a nonexistent eyebrow. "It's not you," he responded nonchalantly, instantly extinguishing her happy facial expression.


"The Tower wasn't calling for you," he repeated. Rachel's face fell and all the color drained from her face as fast as someone falling of a cliff who she pushed. Headon smirked at the not-so-pitiful sight of Rachel. "The person that the tower chose was not you."

"What do you mean?" Rachel's voice cracked. "I'm here to go up the tower... and I'm here now...! So..!"

"Don't fool me," Headon narrowed his eyes at her. "You liar. You already know how nasty and bad you are. You aren't chosen."

"No... no that's," Rachel muttered as her shoulder trembled. "Please me give me a chance fairy! I- I need go up! It's my only wish! Please, take me!" Headon only stared at her. "Please..."

"Alright then, I'll give you a simple test," he twirled his shinsu staff.

"Really?! So I can go up the Tower?"

"Only if you pass this test," he said like it was the most obvious thing ever. He gestured to the cage of the White Steel Eel. But unfortunately, Rachel looked at the moment where Achim narrowly jumped out of the eel's way and was immediately terrified. "What...?" Rachel trembled.

"The White Steel Eel," Headon explained. "It's spawning season now, and it's very hungry I'm sure. It's just waiting for you to go in. So the test is simple. Go in there... escape the eel... and pop the ball in the middle."

"Are you telling me to die?! Because that's the same thing as dying." 

"Well no, I'm telling you to go in and pop the ball."

"But how am I supposed to to that?" she scoffed, snapping her head at Headon, then her eyes widened as the eel just swallowed Achim. "You're basically sending me to my death. You shouldn't give tests to people that are impossible to complete!"

Achim jumped once more out fo the way with the support of her parasol, and stayed rooted to the ground as the eel we  came barreling towards her. Calm down. This is going to work, Achim thought to herself. She put both her hands up, shielding her head just as the eel scooped her up entirely in his mouth. Yuck, she thought while she got swallowed whole. Thinking quickly, Achim made her umbrella contract back into a mere chopstick. Raising it high above her head, Achim exhaled as she brought it down with force and stabbed the eel's insides. She wasn't entirely sure if that one stab hurt the Steel eel, so Achim brought down her weapon at the eel's stomach and continued to hacked at the flesh until it squirmed, ready to spit Achim back out. Achim's "chopstick" wasn't just for convenience though, it was just as sharp and just as deadly as a needle.The White Steel eel's eyes bulged and it writhed around at the sharp pain and Achim found herself out of the eel's body and fell to the ground with a thud. 

She slowly stood up, panting heavily and ran to the ball. The Eel fell unconscious and it also fell to the floor, shaking the whole floor and bought her some time. Achim tapped her chopstick against the ball, trying to feel the density and mass. This definitely won't be easy to break, Achim put her finger to her chin. She glanced back at Headon, who was talking to another girl. She slowly inhaled and exhaled, and put her hand on the round black ball. 

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