The exam pt.2

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(Quick thanks to @Mysterious_owo for being my first comment)

*y/n's pov *
The elevator doors open and I skip out happy that in taking the hunter exam. "Please put this on your shirt and be careful not to lose it." A little green jellybean said handing me a badge with the number '1' on it. "Thank you!" I said as I pinned it to the belt of my dress. "You're welcome!" He said as he walked away. Once I saw he was gone I jumped up into the pipes in the ceiling and summoned Henry and told him to wake me up if anything interesting happened and he agreed as I fell asleep. I was sleeping peacefully until I heared. "Wake up my lady the room is almost completely full now." I sat up and we silently jumped down into the crowd. "You must be rookies!" I heared a happy voice call to us as I climbed onto henry's back. "I'm tonpa here." He said handing me and Henry orange drinks. "A cheers to our new friendship!" He said as he opened his. I opened mine and the smell of laxatives. "You smell it don't you?" I whispered to Henry and he just nods. "Hey tons can I have another one for later?" I asked kindly as he hands me another one. I put the second one in a compartment in my skirt. "Thanks tonpa!" I said as I climbed off of Henry and dragged him away. "You can go back now and feel free to come back whenever." I told him with a smile. He nods and I walk around until something catches my attention.

A girl and her cardsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora