Chapter 8: Broken Trust

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I wake up on a couch. The first thing I notice are my surroundings. I immediately know this isn't my house because I don't even have a couch! The couch was the one in Nathan's vlogs.

I sit up and a blanket I didn't know was covering me fell off. I stand up and fold the blanket before draping it over the back of the couch. I stand there for a few seconds wondering where everyone is. I hear my phone ding, but when I search my pockets, I can't find it. I hear it ding again and it sounds like it's coming from the counter.

I walk over and grab my phone, seeing who was texting me. My mom texted me telling me good morning. I text her back and stuff my phone into my back pocket. I glance down at the counter and see my keys, as well as a note.

The note read:

(Y/n), we went shopping before you woke up. Your phone and keys are in the counter. Feel free to help yourself to some food in the fridge.

Nathan, Gabe, Cedrick, Jordan, and James

I smiled and stick the note into my pocket before walking over to the fridge. Pulling open the door, my eyes are met with a sight that pains me. There's not much I can make with these ingredients, but I notice eggs and other ingredients to make omelettes.

About fifteen minutes later, my omelette is done and I stand at the counter to eat it. Glancing at the clock, I wonder where they went. I woke up a little before 9:00 and now it was well after 9:00. I thought for sure they would be back by now, but they aren't.

I stay there waiting for another ten minutes before I get tired of waiting and walk to the front door. I try to open the door, but it wouldn't open. Realizing my mistake, I pull the door open before reaching down and lock it from the inside. Then I pull the door closed. I walk over to my house and get my keys out to unlock the door. When I go to twist the doorknob, it wouldn't turn. I insert the key again and it works. I pull the door open, thinking I'm a mess this morning when something hits me and I freeze in my tracks. Why was my front door unlocked?

I know I locked it when I left yesterday. I scan the area around me and notice something strange. There are boxes scattered all over my front entryway.

What is this? Did someone rob me? I don't have anything to steal. Only my recording equipment. Is it a reverse robbery? It doesn't make any sense, but it's the best I can come up with. I remember reading somewhere online that a poor college student was "robbed" but the robber saw the meager furnishings of the house and got some friends to give him some better furniture. Did something like that happen to me?

As my brain rapid fires questions and explanations at me, I hear a noise come from my kitchen. I grab my keys and slowly, quietly, sneak towards the doorway. I remember seeing in a crime show that you want to see the intruder before the intruder sees you so I peek my head around the corner. I see nothing in my living room but the view of my kitchen is obscured still. I step back and slide my way along the opposite walk so I can see my kitchen. Nothing is out of the ordinary, but someone could easily hide behind the island.

The second I step through the door, five guys jump out from behind my island. I scream and jump back what might have been a foot. James ran from behind the island and to the doorway that I had tried to walk through.

He slowly walked toward me and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you guys just scared me," I told him, my heart still beating out of my chest.

"We didn't mean to scare you," Gabe told me, and I heard the remorse in his voice.

"I'm fine," I console them again. "Just need a minute to... calm my heart rate..." I wave my hand in a circular motion as I speak.

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