Chapter 101

694 19 12

3rd person

The other creepypastas that were chasing Midoriya stepped out of the bush

"that asshole's fast.." Jeff said, out of breath

The others agreed, and they looked up to see Slenderman holding Midoriya upside-down with one of his tentacles

"of-fucking-course slendy got him" Jeff groaned, throwing his arms up in the air and walking off in defeat

"kill that bitch already" Jeff yelled from 10 meters away, still walking

Two more tentacles sprouted from Slendermans back

He was about to kill Midoriya, but blue flames flew at him from the trees

Slenderman screeched in pain nd dropped Midoriya

This woke Midoriya up

He groaned, his ears still ringing

Midoriya pov

My head hurts.. A lot.. And my ears, they keep ringing

I rubbed my head and opened my eyes, i saw Dabi fighting off a whole bunch of people

They didn't seem to be dying though..

I got up and took a deep breath, blowing out fire at those creepy people

The tall one looked at me, he was around 8 feet tall

But he had no face..

I took a step back

"Dabi, let's get out of here!" i yelled, putting my fire breath card back in a shuffling my cards

I pulled one out


I lifted the attackers up in the air

This is painful..

A headache started forming amd blood dribbled out my nose

"Dabi, hurry up, i can't keep them like this forever!" i yelled, struggling with keeping them in the air

Dabi ran over to me and took my hand, sprinting into the forest

"how do you know where we're going Dabi?" i asked, letting my quirk drop

"i burnt some trees" he answered

We stopped in our tracks as the tall faceless thing appeared in front of us, looking extremely angry

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