Hair dying - Michael Clifford

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Sitting on the couch with your boyfriend, michael was a normal friday night for you.
You looked over at michael, admiring every part of him.
"why are you staring at me?" he says suddenly, smirking.
"oh just admiring my view." you say to him with a smile.
"well dont admire my hair, its awful. I need to dye it." he says.
"well, lets do it now. Ill help you." you say to him, standing up from the couch.
michael smiles & follows you to the bathroom.
"i have blue or pink. Which one?" he asks you.
"hmmm. Blue, because I want to do mine pink." you tell him.
he smiles to you & raises an eyebrow, "do you now?"
you nod.
"well help me do mine & ill help do yours." he says, getting all of the dye ready.
you smile & start helping him.
"omg its everywhere." you say looking at your bathroom floor.
"yea but if you mix it, it makes a pretty color." michael says laughing, Mixing the dye together.
"you're making a bigger mess!" you say.
"oh shhh itll come out! Look at our hair!" michael says with a smile, looking in tbe mirror at both of your newly fresh dyed heads.
"it is pretty cool.." you say, smirking.
"thank you for helping me." michael says, giving you a kiss.
"no, thank you for helping me." you say, returning the kiss.

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