"So was this your plan? Seduce me and then corner me?" He figures it out.

"Yup" I nod proudly.

"How was it?" I ask him seriously, "I mean yeah it was hard but I got it done" he shrugs, "the hard one is going to be the cabin" he adds. "Cabin?" I don't think he has mentioned this to me before, "yeah, he owned a cabin by Lake Michigan but now I'm selling it" he steps back to allow me to jump off the machine.

"I used to go up all the time when I was younger" he reminisces, "so many fishing trips" I trace up and down his back to soothe him.

"Would it help if you had some company?" I offer, "you don't have to" he goes to decline, "but I want to" I assure him. "I want you to know you can always come to me" I hold his face in my hands to make sure he is looking at me, "and talk about anything that is weighing on you."

"I know" he moves my hand from his cheek to hold it in his, "I would appreciate you coming with me" he admits. 

"Consider it done" I state, "after shift?" I suggest, "sounds good" he agrees. 

"Now, can we go back to what we were doing before" he lifts me back onto the washing machine, "I guess" I bring him closer, ready to feel the touch of his lips again.

"ENGINE 51, AMBULANCE 61, SQUAD 3, TRUCK 81!" The siren interrupts us before our lips can touch.

"Or not" I chuckle, pecking the tip of his nose before jumping off the washing machine again as we rush to the squad rig.

"Thanks again for the grill Lieutenant, I really appreciate it" Cruz is looking like a kid on Christmas, "no worries Cruz, it's going to get better use with you anyway" Kelly shrugs. "What? Not a BBQ kind of guy?" I tease, "not really" he replies.

"That's a shame" I sigh, "you would look really hot manning a grill" Kelly chuckles at how bold I am being, especially in front of the boys.

"In that case, Cruz, I might need the grill back" Kelly jokes, "no Lieutenant, no take backsies" Cruz shakes his head, "and you shut up" he whispers to me. 

We get to the scene, it's a block of apartments but the bottom one has been converted into a salon, and it's the one that is on fire. 

"Fire is in the salon, on the first floor, let's make sure it doesn't escape" Boden orders, "resident's coming down the fire escape" Kelly points out the residents fleeing down. 

"Alright, Truck a primary search and Engine lead out a line into that salon" Boden instructs, "Squad get those people down safely" we all rush to where we have been ordered to go, wanting to prevent this fire from getting worse.

"Tony, Capp, help people down the ladder drop!" Kelly calls out, "Cruz and Lewis with me, we're going up" he states.

"Copy that" we all respond.

We wait for the residents to slowly climb down the fire escape, not wanting them to miss a step, Capp and Tony helping them reach the ground. When it all seems clear, a slightly elderly woman comes from one of the top apartments and onto the fire escape.

She misses a step and slides down the stairs, landing harshly as she cries out in pain.

"Come on" Kelly orders and I am the first to start climbing up the stairs quickly to get to her, Kelly and Cruz hot on my heels.

We get to her and her head has collided with the edge of a concrete window seal, starting to bleed slowly. 

"Okay ma'am, we are going to get you out of here, just stay still" I bend down to try to reassure her because she looks scared. "Hey guys, bring a basket to the aerial!" Kelly orders as Cruz helps the others step over the woman and continue down the stairs.

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