Splinter's Grief

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A/N: Okay guys, sit down a sec...

Before you start reading, I should probably warn you that this is going to be very emotional and sort of dark and I'm pretty sure you're going to be crying throughout the whole thing! Seriously guys, I cried multiple times while writing this, so I'm pretty sure you're going to be flooding your rooms in just a few minutes!

I'm sorry in advance to your tissue boxes

*Gives unlimited tissues*

This is going to be very, very VERY long by the way, so please make yourselves comfortable!

Oh, by the way....there's going to be a music video somewhere in the beginning of the chapter...PLEASE watch it!! I'll let you know when to play it! But please don't skip it!!

*Offers headphones*

One more thing, there's gonna be a TON of Japanese words in here so I'd recommend using google translate!

Read on!


Master Splinter stood in the dojo, an unreadable expression on his face. His eyes scanned the room until they set upon the framed photo in the corner.

He strode over to it and picked it up, gazing at it. A man, woman and baby stared back at him. He sighed and gingerly wiped away the tears that fell onto the glass.

It was that date. The date of the fire. The fire that ripped his life away, taking his home, family and name.

There was a soft knock on the locked dojo door. "Come in..." He mumbled, his voice weary. He knew he wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight.

Mikey walked in, a small smile on his face. "Hey sensei..." Splinter looked at his youngest son. "Hello...Miwa..."

Mikey frowned and sighed. He knew that on this date, his father would mistakenly call them my his deceased daughter's name. They were used to it by now, but it pained their hearts every time.

"I'm Mikey..." Mikey said softly. Splinter nodded, running a hand through his fur tiredly. "Yes, yes of course...it slipped my mind, is all..."

Mikey hugged his father as the rest of the turtles walked in. They too joined in on the embrace.

He wrapped his arms around them. "I love you, my sons..." He said in an unusually quiet voice as he held them close to him.

"We love you too, father..." They all said softly. After a moment, they broke from the hug as their sensei went back to staring at the photo.

 After a moment, they broke from the hug as their sensei went back to staring at the photo

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This was their cue to leave. They knew that on this day, their sensei needed time to himself. So, the turtles left the room silently.

Splinter held the photo close to him, muttering in Japanese to himself. "Anata ga inakute sabishīdesu..."

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