Arrogant assholes & annoying amateurs

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I groaned as the inhumane noise my alarm was making. Hitting the snooze i quickly shut my eyes to prevent myself from fully waking up.

5 more minutes I told myself. Just 5 mor- "Savannah for goodness sake, turn that thing off and quickly get dressed"

How on earth did five minutes pass so quick?

Groaning once I again, I turned to the side but ended up landing with a thud "oh for fucks sake" I got up shooing my dad away.


Great late on my first day and I still don't have my car. Fuck!

Stumbling my way to the shower, I slipped. Remind me to not get drunk on a sunday if you have something to do early in the morning the following day because the outcome is beyond belief.

Do you ever have this war against yourself and a pair of your skinny high waisted jeans? What is even worse is if you had a shower not long ago which makes the situation 10x worse.

Sighing in victory, I pulled on a off shoulder cream knit crop jumper.


If I'm going to be late on my first day of work experience, what's the point in rushing?

Blowdrying my hair, I left it in the wavy mess it usually is.

Wearing my favourite heeled boots, I walked over to my dressing table, finally rushing to do my makeup, I applied foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara and bronzer. Ohh bronzer, how you make my face look nice and glowy.

A smooth layer of the Mac dark red lipstick, I was off to go.

Clutching my Michael Kors black handbag, I stuffed my iPhone 6 and walked down the stairs.


Grabbing a snack bar, I ripped it open and took my first bite before stuffing the rest in my mouth.

"Im leaving" I shouted hearing a faint good luck from Vanessa.

I walked

And I walked

And I walked even more following google maps leading me the way to Bieber Corporate.

Looking up at the big, glass windowed building which was in front of me


An hour and 3 minutes late.

I went in.

"Is Justin Bieber here?" I asked to the extremely attractive blonde.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked rather quickly.

"Savannah Hudson," I paused "I'm here for work experience"

"So you are the girl Justin has been ranting over" he smirked

"What?" I asked confused

"Yeah, he is livid that you are late and still haven't arrived" "does it look like I care what he thinks?"

I walked away "go to the 9th floor at the very top and his office is through the brown wooden doors" I looked back "and goodluck. Justin doesn't like late comers" the blonde soon disappeared.

I wont let that phase me i thought as I entered the lift. Clicking number 9, I waited.

Checking myself in the large very shiny mirror, I flipped my hair to the left side.

The journey coming to an end when the lift opened.

Just as the blonde described, brown wooden doors.

Knock knock knock

Waiting for a reply I waited.

Knocking again three times, I waited.

"Come in" a raspy voice said. I opened the door and closed it behind me.

"You are late!" the voice yelled banging his fists on his rather wide desk.

"I kind of noticed" I replied blutly.

His eyes widened. "Do you know who you are talking to?" "Yes an over aggressive boy" I cant deal with him right now with my killer headache.

"No one here at Bieber Corporate talks to me like that and it isn't going to start now" he commanded. "I expect you to treat me with high respect and you are lucky you are still here right now," he paused and took a look at my appearance "you should dress appropriately and not like some silly teenager...

"Lastly, you better follow the rules or else you are out of here" he said stirnly.

Feeling quite offended, I took the fucking effort to even come here and he is saying all this bullshit. I walked closer to his desk "whats going to happen if I don't?" I challenged putting my palms on the desk leaning closer.

He walked around the desk and came towards me, towering me. "Get out now" he demanded pointing towards the door.

"My pleasure boss man" I walked towards the wooden doors.

As I was just about to open the door, it slammed shut. Feeling my body being turned around and pushed onto the door, I felt his minty breath hit my face "it is Mr Bieber to you"

He was leaving traces of kisses along my neck.

My breathing hitched.

Without even thinking i said "is this the part where you kiss me just like in Fifty Shades Of Grey?"

I do not do well under sexual frustration.

"Do not talk back"

"Okay Boss Bieber" I smiled innocently, testing his limits.

"You don't know who you are messing with. You should be lucky you are even this close to me. Girls would kill to be in your position right now. I am The Justin Bieber the wealthiest and sexiest male out there"

His hand sliding down to my ass.

I scoffed and pushed him back "and I do not appreciate being man handled by arrogant assholes"

I opened the door and walked out but I heard him reply back "annoying amateurs like you do not belong here in this place of work"

Hearing the door slam I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

What the fuck just happened?

Edited chapter 2 and deleted the boring weekend scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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