Lonely Solitude

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Friday: 1pm

Deisha opens her eyes while reaching for her cell phone, “Wow, two hours earlier than yesterday” She shrugs as she attempts to roll herself out of bed. “Ah forget it; what’s the point in waking up earlier anyway? I’m going back to dreamland.”

Friday: 4:45pm

The 32 yr old is awakened by the song of an ice cream truck passing by. “Wow, it’s almost evening” she tells herself as she stares at the time on her phone. She decides to fight her way out of bed and walk into the kitchen to grab the first few snacks in sight. “What am I supposed to do for the rest of the weekend?” she wonders.

This is a reoccurring struggle for Deisha. Her husband is constantly out of town while she stays home; and she deals with it by sleeping the time away. Her philosophy is the longer she sleeps, the less she has to be alone and bored. Rarely leaving the house, or even communicating with others, the outcast spends most of her days in bed, in the kitchen, and wondering why the world is so cruel. When Jack is gone, she doesn’t find the motivation to clean the house or even maintain her own personal hygiene. However, it’s not like Deisha is much happier when he’s home either. She feels that all he expects from her is food and to be left alone while he spends hours on the computer. It appears that Deisha might be entering an advance stage of loneliness.

Friday 5:25pm

Deisha sits at the kitchen table while covering her eyes. She does this for minutes while pondering whether to go back to bed or suffer through television. Suddenly, she has the unusual urge to check her mailbox. She walks to her front door, covers her eyes from the blinding sun that she so often avoids, and retrieves the piles of unsorted mail from the often unchecked box. After dumping all of the ads and bills, Deisha come across something unusual. It’s a personal envelope with her name typed on it. As she opens it, she finds a letter dated the same day.

“My Dearest Deisha,

I’d really like to get in touch. Let’s meet at your front door at 7pm tonight. There’s a whole world I’d like to explore with you. I’ll see you soon.



Normally a woman might feel anxious or even nervous to receive an unexpected anonymous letter. However, Deisha feels the most secure and excited than she’s felt for years. For once, she’s too excited to go back to sleep and decides to make herself presentable for the visiting stranger.

Friday: 7:15 pm

Surprised that there’s been no knock or doorbell for the past 15 minutes, the desperate woman ponders whether her mysterious guest would arrive. Finally gathering the energy to walk to the door herself, she’s surprised to find a person on the other side of the door. After waiting a moment for the person to knock with no prevail, she decides to open the door.

“Hi Deisha,” greets the never before seen man, “I’ve been waiting to meet you here as promised.”

“That’s weird. I didn’t hear any knocking.” Deisha responds.

“Why would I knock? I only said I’d MEET you here.” retorts the strange man. “So did you want to talk inside, or out here where the whole world can see?”

Definitely not wishing for the latter, the lonesome woman invites the man into her home. He was the most attractive man she had ever lay eyes on. If she were to write every quality that she finds physically pleasing about her ideal mate, this stranger would fit every characteristic.

“So who are you?” asks the dumbfounded woman.

“Well Deisha, I didn’t want to be too forward, but I just needed to introduce myself to you. I’ve been admiring your beauty and sweet nature for the longest time, and was hoping that you’d be kind enough as to allow me to spend the day with you”

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