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Austin's pov.

After I played that song I played a couple more song for I could notice that she was getting a bit tired why did she of all  people have to go through all this?

"Please take the surgery " I say my voice comes out barely above a whisper. My mom looked at me and sighed.

"Austin I -" she stars but I cut her of. "Mom if it is because of the money don't worry they told us that we could pay it in instalments and I already have a part of the cash ready "

"Austin where do we have the money I am pretty sure our savings are all drained" she says.

"I..." What can I say the savings got drained a couple of months and I got a job because of that. But I guess I have to tell her.

"I.. I got a job and it is enough to pay for the surgery if I continue to work there for the next 5 months." I say

My mom looks at me for a moment before she says "why did you not tell me?"

"I.. I..." I stutter I don't know how to answer that question.

"Even if I take the surgery here is no promise that I will make it through" she says and she is right the doctors told us that there is only a 56% that she will survive it.

"But there is still a chance that it could work" I say not looking in her eyes.

I hear her sigh before I hear her tapping on the place near her by the bed.

I get up from the chair and sit down beside her. "Honey look at me" she says. I hesitate for a moment before I look up at her.

"Austin listen to me we have had this conversation many times and I already told you  I am not going to do the surgery" she says.

"But you may make it through it" I say again.

"I know it is hard but you have to understand that nothing lasts for ever everything ends at some point. At one point nobody here right now will be there. Some people leave earlier than others but you have to except that and move on from the past. " she says.

Every word felt like someone was punching me in the gut. You will never know how much it hurts to hear your own mother your everything tell you that she is leaving and will never comeback .

"I know it will be hard for you or anyone to except someone they love leaving. But you will do just fine. Look at you, you have become a smart , responsible and not to mention  amazing  boy. You may not except it now but I know you will do just fine " she says.

How can she say that? I will never be fine if she left she is literally all I have. But I know that she wants me to agree with her. So I nod. I good see her smile when I nodded and also her eyes were getting heavier so she was going to get knocked out any moment now.

"But I need you to promise me one thing" she says.

I nod for her to go on.

"You have to promise me that you will give him a chance "

That statement confused me which him? But before I could ask her anything she was fast asleep. I sighed.

"I promise" I say. Even though I don't know what promise I am making but I will do whatever it is that she wants me to do.  I kiss her hand and put my guitar back inside the case and get up to leave.

As I walked out these doors the same thought I have every time I leave comes to my mind. Will this be the last time I see her?


Well here is this chapter but I know it is sad the next couple chapters will be sad as well. Wait who am I kidding most of that chapters are going to be sad. But trust me it is all worth it in the end.

As usual sorry for the spelling errors and grammar mistakes.

Lots of love
- S

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