I was worried about you part 2 ♥️

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I came back downstairs and everyone except Roshnie was already having their breakfast, when I sat down, I could feel shaurya's Grandma eyes on me.. when I looked up, I could tell she was disgusting by my sight..

I sat down, and she got up from her seat, and walked away. I felt bad cause I was the reason why she didn't have her breakfast.

Sanjana: Don't mind her Rinah.. she is like that

Me: No it's fine. I get it , not everyone will like you

Sanjana: yeah 😂She lowkey hates everyone, but she
Just tolerates us 😂😂which is funny.

Me: yeah, you could say that.

As we were having breakfast, Roshnie comes downstairs and that's when it hit me, no one made her breakfast, not even Mrs Khanna...

Roshnie: so nobody made me breakfast?

Sanjana: yeah cause no one in this house is your
Maid, I don't even know what you are doing
In this house can you just leave already
No one cares about you Roshnie, shaurya
Doesn't care about you.. accept it and move
On, you staying in this house, thinking
Shaurya will ever love you again you are
Just wasting your time.

Roshnie: well let shaurya say it in my face..

Sanjana was about to reply, I stopped her from Replying. Cause last night we agreed we would ignore her. After. Finished my breakfast I went to the kitchen.. while Roshnie kept following me behind.. I ignored her as intended. She tried by all means to piss me off but I didn't respond to her, infact I ignored her.

Later that day, we went to the mall and I was fascinated by their stores.. they have such amazing stores. we came back home, Shaurya was sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to disturb him to I went back to the living room. I was all alone in the house, not actually alone, cause shaurya's Grandma was around..

Nani: you should be ashamed of yourself, for
          Coming here.

I turned back, and there she was. She was angry again. I didn't respond I just kept quiet.

Nani: you have no shame, characterless woman. You
          Sleep with someone who is not married to you.
          Just look at the color of your skin. Disgusting.

Me: you don't have to like me, I respect you enough
       Cause you are an elder. That's all I should say to
       To you..

Nani: you are disgusting..

I got up from the where I was sitting and I was about to head to my room.. she held my arm and pulled me back.

Nani: Your mother shouldn't have given birth to you
           Or maybe you are just like your mother, she
          Had no shame, maybe she did sleep around
           With men before marriage.. you got all this
          From her right??? I should have known..

I removed my hand from her grip, and ran to my room..💔 I was so heartbroken... I Never met my mother but this woman, had so much to say about her. So I decided to spend the rest of my day in my room.

5 hours later

Shaurya was banging the door. I woke up and jumped from the bed. And rushed to the door.

Shaurya: I have been talking for the last 2 hours

Me:( not meeting his eyes) I was sleeping, sorry

Shaurya: why are you looking down? Is everything
                 Fine? Look at me.

I refused to look at him, cause I knew, earlier I had cried myself to sleep because of his Grandmother's words. Shaurya forced me to look at him. Then he noticed something happened.

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