15. Tensions Begin to Rise

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~(Y/N) POV~

I walked to Steve and took a seat next to him. It was slightly uncomfortable because of my wings but I won't be sitting for long.

I ask, "What does 'flying monkeys' mean, Steve?"

I felt as if I was a dumb child on their first day of school. He looks at me then chuckles with pink tinted his light tanned cheeks.

"It's from a movie actually. It's called The Wizard of Oz. It came out when I was 23, it's quite adorable really."

Great, another word I don't know. Movie. Frustration grew in me as I try to think of what Movie may be. Is it a book? A portrait? whaT IS IT TELL ME STEEEVE

He must have noticed my weird expression and explains, "It's like a um..how do I describe this in a way that you understand..?"

I then remembered the touchy tablet and I tapped it. The blue lights popped up and I pointed at the camera facing Loki.

"Is this a movie?", I ask in curiosity.

Steve looks to where I'm pointing at and smiles. Now I feel embarrassed.

He says in a fatherly tone that was strange but comforting, "Well yes and no. It does show you something that happened from someone else though so it's sort of similar."

So it's just watching someone do something else through a screen. Sounds boring. Who would ever do something like that when they can eat, drink water, exercise, play with pets, talk with family, or clean?

Anyways, I get an idea of the word movie and I nod in acknowledgement. I then say, "Perhaps, we should watch it together! So you can tell me all about it!"

Steve then looks at me with slightly widened eyes and now with red tint painting his cheeks. He scratches his neck and laughs.

"I wouldn't mind that at all, (Y/N).." I smile and abruptly get up from out of my chair.

"Excellent! I'm going to introduce myself to Mr. Banner now!"

As I was walking in the direction Tony and Mr. Banner left, I felt as if someone was staring at me but I push it away. Maybe, I would feel a little sad and go sit back down if I looked back and saw Steve watching me leave with slight disappointment in his eyes.

~sm0l time skip~

I finally find the lab with Mr. Banner in it and I walk into the doors. Yep, walk straight into the doors. Ugh, now I'm feeling like a bird. I could see Tony laughing his butt off as he walks towards my right. "Dollface, that was the windows. The doors are here." I pull myself off and wipe my face.

I feel more embarrassed than when I reached the stage of becoming a woman. That was a dark day. I walk through and go towards Mr. Banner.

I say, "I'm (Y/N) or also known as Guardian. Pleasure to meet you, sir...?" I mean, I knew his last name but his name sounds strange.

He raises his hand nervously and he looks away, "Bruce Doctor. I mean Banner Bruce- I mean Bruce. Call me Bruce."

I giggle softly at his stuttering. It was adorable. He lets go of my hand quickly and went back to typing on the computer. I look down to see Loki's scepter, the blue gem was glowing a pretty shade.

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