14. What's Loki's plan?

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After a few seconds of silence on the aircraft, the strange costumed man introduced himself to me. "Ma'am, it's an honor to meet you. I'm Steve Rogers or Captain America. I never thought I would be able to meet you." He extended his hand out to me so I set my gloved hand into his.

"I feel as I do not need to introduce myself," I laugh and continue, "It's nice to meet you too, Sir Rogers." Steve smiles a handsome smile that seemed to set butterflies in my stomach. Why does HE have to be handsome? I shake his hand and tighten my grip but not too tight to hurt him. He grips my hand back and I smirk. He's cool.

I let go of Steve's hand and look at the red and gold armored man. His helmet was off but the rest of his suit was still on. His cheek had a bruise on it and I felt bad, although it may have been Thor but I can't help but think that I did that. As I walk to the man, I feel a hand on my left wing.

I looked to my side to see Steve looking at my feathers in admiration and running his fingers through my primary coverts and my primaries. I then lightly slap his cheek and he looks at me with a shocked face. I smile and turn back to the man. "I do apologize for my actions. Do forgive me, sir..?"

He looks at me with a smirk and replies, "Now you're making me feel old by saying sir, doll. Just call me yours." I feel my cheeks turn red as he said the last sentence. I can't say that he doesn't look handsome, which he does but he's acting like Thor when we first met.

I decided to play along, "Alright, Sir Yours. I'm (Y/N) or Guardian. And I can reassure you, I'm older than you." He looks at me with a confused look as I smile and walk back to Thor as he shoots me a smirk. I lightly slap his arm with a smile. He leans down to my level and laughs.

"His name is Tony Stark or Man of Iron." I look at Tony and nod to Thor.

One of the two people flying the aircraft spoke up, "Hey, angel face." I look at the beautiful woman with red hair and a sharp look on her face. I smile shyly at her reflection in the mirror and she smiles softly.

"Call me Nat." I nod at her in acknowledgement with a blush on my cheeks. Why do women have such a huge effect on me than some men??

The other pilot says, "Welcome to the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier." I walk up to the glass in curiosity to see a marvelous and large aircraft. I softly gasp in awe at the sight but didn't see Nat look up at me with a smile. The plane I'm on had landed on the top of the aircraft and the rear hatch slowly opened.

I started walking and Tony goes in front of me, bows and says, "After you."

I look at him with a raised eyebrow and smile. He just looks up at me and smiles a quite flirtatious smile. I nod to him and walk off to see a few more aircrafts similar to the one I rode on. I can't see much since of the dark. As I wait for Thor, Steve walks up to me and I show him a small smile.

"(Y/N). If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions as we walk to the control room," Steve asks with a hint of shyness in his tone. I smile and nod, signaling him that it's okay. He lets out a sigh and he walks to my right side, slightly brushing my wing. He continues to walk so I walk after him. I turn my head slightly to see Loki walk away with guards beside him and he looks at me with an evil smile.

I quickly look forward, trying to remember Steve's question. "I'm sorry, Sir Rogers but would you mind repeating the question? I was just amazed by the interior of the Helicarrier." He smiles and replies with a yes.

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