The Second Quirk War

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hey nerds

this is the rewrite no one asked for

WoOoOOo doN'T StAb Me

anyways the old version made me mad every time i looked at it and so i rewrote it with an actual plot xD

there's gonna be more fanfiction elements to it so it's actually like my own story (though don't worry about straying from total canon, because that's not gonna happen lol) and yeh

ex: there'll be more dadzawa, probably quirk discrimination, etc. 

(note: some ideas may have been inspired by other works without me really realizing, so im sorry about that ahhh xD)

EDIT: I added Detective Tsukauchi because yes

he's not written all that well since I like... kinda threw him in with Aizawa (sorry wejdfksq3ehd) but I wanted to include him


if you don't hate me rn, feel free to continue B)


Izuku Midoriya most certainly did not expect to wake up to the sound of bloodied coughs and wheezing, but when he opened his eyes, that's exactly what he found himself hearing.

The boy furrowed his brows, sitting up as his skin was tickled by the yellowed blades of grass that sprouted from the dirt beneath.

Definitely not his bed.

Before Izuku could further contemplate the situation, though, the coughs started back up, drawing his attention to the scene behind him.

A man - no more than a few inches taller than Izuku - was struggling to keep himself upright, hand held over a devastating (and incredibly bloody) wound.

The boy froze as he watched the blood blossom and intertwine with his clothes, only to realize that the man looked eerily similar to himself.

"Are... are you okay?" Izuku asked hesitantly.

The man visibly stiffened, eyes widening as his head rose. "It worked...," he whispered breathlessly.

Izuku stepped backwards while the man staggered towards him. "What-"

"Izuku," the man said, struggling to breath as he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, "I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm you, alright? 26 years old - pro hero name 'Deku.'"

The freckled boy's throat became dry. "But that doesn't make any sense..."

The man looked to the side. "Look... I..." He squeezed his eyes shut. "Your name is Izuku Midoriya and you're about 15 years old. You lost against Todoroki in the Sports Festival, but you helped him to use his fire."

Izuku wasn't convinced - though the uncanny resemblance nearly made him reconsider. "A-anyone could know that if they were there," he replied uneasily.

"The reason he refused to use his fire," the man continued, "Was because of his awful relationship with his father, Endeavor."


"You were best friends with Katsuki Bakugou as a child, and his nickname for you was Deku because when you were four years old, you were diagnosed as quirkless. However, you received One For All From All Might, which is how you're a hero now."

Izuku's eyes widened. "You're..."

The man gave a slight smile before covering a cough. "Yes, Izu. Look, I know it's hard to believe, but-"

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