Chapter 27

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Location: Hong Kong

Year: 2030

Time: 7 PM

Luckner: We're here

The other ship were surprised to see that Hong Kong was okay most of the tall buildings were in good shape with some additional military buildings added

Hobart:"Australian accent" Damn this place is in better shape then i thought!

Edin:"Scottish accent" Yeah how the bloody hell wasn't Hong Kong blasted to kingdom come!?

Merlion: Well the sirens didn't had control over all of the pacific and under this fog Hong Kong remained untouched after we setup defenses we put up smoke machines that keep the fog going

Swift: Natural defenses

Elizabeth: So Luckner how many ships are stationed here?

Luckner: Well besides me and my fleet their is aircraft carrier ROKS Moon, battleships (HTMS Bangkok,HMAS Nelson,and ROC Taipei),cruisers(USS Rook,HMS Book,and ROC Lion),Destroyer ROKS Pusan, and finally frigates( Perth,Malang,and Georgetown)

Hoody: So not much huh

Luckner: Well it was everyone who could get here

Prince: What did happened in the baltic anyway?

Maryland: Well.....


Arizona: Were being overrun

Gerald R Ford: HOLD hold the line!!

Fuji: Incoming!!

Honolulu: Keep pushing forwards

Hamburg: Come on come on

Franklin D Roosevelt: Get some!!

Vienna: We need to fall back

Shtrom: Fall back comrades to second line defense

They Earth naval forces were being overwhelmed by the sirens

Garuda: Missile incom..ARGG!!"Being blasted by the missile"

Changi: Garuda's been hit!!

Bangkok: Get some ผู้หญิงเลว!

 Berlin: Go go!!!

Rodney: Shtrom we've taken too many casualties!

Shtrom: Gah!!

Avrora: We can't hold comrade

Then Constitution gave an order on the radio

Constitution:"Radio" Attention all ships this is USS Constitution the battle is lost there is nothing we can do what we can do now is to retreat and regroup all ships are to evacuate to any naval bases around the world good luck to you out...

Luckner: What the heck RETREAT?!

Denver: Seriously all ships are ordered to escape to any naval bases

Luckner: FINE!! let's go

"Flashback End"

Luckner: That's what happened

Blake: It was every ship for herself

Juanda: Semua kapal lainnya melarikan diri ke arab, asia, amerika, dan eropa tetapi beberapa kapal tidak berhasil

Ngurah Rai: How many?

London: A single Battleship JS Nagato sacrificed herself to cover the others escape while several frigates were sunk near Argentina and Brazil

Intrepid(SING): So not that many huh

Juanda: Command is working on a plan to send the sirens back to the past back 

George: So sad 

Brisbane:"Australian accent" Ooof

Blake: You guys know what time it is....

 Prince: Well time for revenge!!

Location: Yokosuka Japan

Time: 9 PM

When the Germans and Japanese arrived in Japan the forces their were already waiting for them

Stockholm: Finally

Izumo: Kaga!

Kaga: Hey sis"Hugging"

Yamato: Nice to see you again Izumo

Izumo: Welcome back flagship

Akagi: So Izumo how many ships made it back

Izumo: Well all ships of the JMSDF ships made it back and there is a surprise for all of you

As they got closer to the base they saw a legend

Otto: Okay how did you get here out of her bricks

Izumo: Some pickaxes,some drill,and some blow torches we made her ship sea borne again

Adolf: Wait wait you mean she is back in service??!!!??

Izumo: For alittle while until we beat back the sirens

When they reached the base

Baden: Oh mein god

Shinano: No way...

Musashi: Mikasa...!

Mikasa: Hello again welcome back everyone"Giggles"

Sejong: God Damn!!

Konig: Wow 126 years old and still looking for a fight?

Mikasa: I might be old but i can still pack a punch like they say This old dog can learn some new tricks

 Sakuya: So whats the news?

Ise: Command is planing an counter attack against the sirens but it's gonna take some time

Otto: ?

Hyuga: It's going to take some small missions before we hit the big picture

Kirishi: Hey Soryu

Soryu: 会えてうれしい

Mikasa: Come in it's getting late time to rest up for tomorrow

Everyone else: Yes maam

To be continued....

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