Chapter 8

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At the AL base Everyone was at the training grounds all of the AL girls were curious on what the M ships were capable of 

Syd:"Australian accent" So y'all just wanna see our weapons?

Q.Elizabeth: Well i was curious about what you all could do

Otto: Well if you say so

Charles: I'll go first Zeppy Akagi with me

Zeppy: I'll right

Akagi chan M: Fine

 Charles,Zeppy M, and Akagi chan M walked on to the training ground and activated their riggings

Warspite: We will be testing your aircraft and AA capabilities 

Then Enterprise,Hornet,and Saratoga stepped on to the training grounds

Enterprise: You guys ready 

Charles: Ready as we'll every be

Saratoga: Don't blame me if you get hurt

Zeppy M: We will see little one

Enterprise,Hornet,and Saratoga sent out their planes

Charles: Well let's get to work

Charles,Akagi chan M , an Zeppy M launched their fighters which made quick work of the slow monoplanes

Some of the planes manage to drop some bombs at them then a loud BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTT was heard and destroyed the bombs

Everyone was surprised except for all the M ships

Akagi chan M: Is that enough for you?

Wales: Yes i believe that should do it

Illustrious: Ok who's next

Then Syd,Adolf,Atago M,Ion,Norm,Belchan,Kirishi,Ho,Lan,Kongo M, and Andrea stepped on to the training ground

Q.Elizabeth: Uuuh isn't this a little too much

Norm: Well we all are frigates and destroyers so makes sense

Cleveland: Ok Syd,Norm,Ion we're gonna do a hull test

Ion: Alright then

Then the three step forward and then Dorsetshire and Javelin walked on to the training ground

Dorsetshire: You all don't mine if we hit you hard right?

Norm: Go ahead

Javelin and Dorsetshire then launch their torpedoes at them but suddenly Syd and Ion launch their torpedo decoys which cause the torpedoes to move off course

All the AL girls where dumbfounded

London: What just happened?

Syd::Australian accent" Me and Ion here have decoys we can use against torpedoes

Illustrious: Impressive

London: Let's try some target practice 

Targets appeared for them to shoot at

Atago M: To easy

Andrea: Let your aim be true

Adolf: FURER!!

Then for a moment the sky was lit up with rockets and shells and where the targets were was replaced by a huge cloud of smoke

Again all the AL girls were dumbfounded

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