•S e v e n t e e n•

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When George left I had to process what happened.
He actually has feelings for me too.
It was kind of hard to believe.
I decided to go to bed early so I could be ready to leave tomorrow.
George's POV

I finally have someone else to write sad songs about wowie wow wow.
I still can't believe that happened. I actually told them. Barely. It was so awkward why did i even do that. I hate it here.

But I guess I should go to bed so i can get up early tomorrow. Maybe i can even wake up Y/N myself. I could pour water all over their face. NO GEORGE GET IT TOGETHER. They'll murder you. They might even eat your limbs. ew.
actually no i hate them so much i'm going to beat the shit out of them.
imagine them with a black eye. ohhhh George you kinky animal~
why am i like this.
time skip to the next morning #swag—————
Your POV  (again)
i woke up that morning to the sound of my phone going off.
last time i checked i didn't set an alarm...did i?

i picked up my phone and looked at the notification.
it was Liz.

Liz: Hey, i think i saw you at the festival i was talking about last time. did you go with someone else?

oh shit what do i do?

You: Hey, sorry they asked to go with them before you did and i didn't have the heart to tell you i was going with someone else :(

Liz: It's ok i understand. but maybe we can plan something else soon? if your schedule allows it of course :)

You: Yeah! i'll let you know if i'm free sometime soon because i'm not too sure right now :)

Liz: Ok! when you know, tell me so we can plan something!

You: ok :)
Read 8:30Am
i don't remember her being that nice last time. i mean she wasn't rude but she wasn't nice either. she was kinda...neutral i guess.
does she actually like me? ew. that's nasty.

then i heard a knock on my door.

who the fuck is at my door at this hour?

i got out of bed not caring about how i looked at all.
i opened the door to see a familiar face.
"good morninggggg" he says with a shit eating grin

"why are you at my door at this hour?" i ask with a serious tone

"because i wanted to be the first person you talked to todayyy"

"too late i already talked to someone"

"you replaced me?! with who?!"

"my secret lover"

"oooohhhhhh~" he said raising his eyebrows
"y/n's in looooooooveeeeeee" george said twirling around the hallway

🅱️rian: tell Georgie pordgie to shut the fuck up

you: gladly good sir
Read 8:32 Am

"brian just texted me and told me to tell you to shut the fuck up" i told him

"oh! sorry, i didn't know the walls were so thin" he apologized

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