Chapter Two

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I sat in my room and debated for hours whether to text Luke or not. Something always stopped me. I guess you could say that I was scared, but not for the reasons most people would think. If I were to get close to Luke and then him find out about me being color blind... It could just ruin everything.

Taking the chance, I quickly sent him a text and set my phone down in the nightstand. I ran my fingers through my tangled mess of hair and walked over to my closet and picked up my guitar before sitting back down on the bed. I had been trying to work on a song for a while, just goofing off on my own. I had a few lines and a couple chords I could mess with but it was still missing something.

I strummed a couple of the chords and started humming along before coming up with some lyrics.

"Even when the sky is falling down, even if the earth is crumbling 'round our feet."

"God why can't I get these words to come out?!"

I heard my phone go off which shocked me. I never get texts very often, unless they're from Calum.

Calum was our other employee and good family friend. He's been my best mate for years and is really the only one who knows my big secret. He knows everything. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and smirked when I saw who it was from.

Hey cutie c: -Luke.

I could feel myself chewing on the inside of my cheek and quietly laughing. He thinks I'm cute? Am I cute?

To: Lukester
Hii Lukey (:

Did I really just say that?!

From: Lukester
What are you doing? And Lukey?

I fell back on my bed and slapped my hand onto my forehead. You're an idiot Ashton. A complete and total idiot.

To: Lukester
Well I mean you did call me cutie. I just thought I'd come up with something along the lines of a nick name. C:

From: Lukester
So does that mean I get to call you Ashy? (:

To: Lukester
If you'd like to. c:

From: Lukester
Then it's settled. So how was work Ashy?

And from that moment in for the rest of the night, I sat there on my bed, texting Luke. He was pretty cool. He played guitar and sings, his favorite animal is a penguin and is addicted to Netflix. Just our conversation alone kept making my insides flip and spin.


"Yes mum?"

"Dinners done if you'd like some!" I set my phone down on my bed and walked downstairs to the dining room. Mum had everything already set up, spaghetti and salad with some sort of bread. Is it weird that I wondered what color spaghetti sauce was?

"Mum, what color is spaghetti sauce?"

"What makes you ask?"

"I'm tired of knowing the world as a dull black and white picture." I set my fork down and sighed. I know my parents could do nothing to help me, neither could the doctors. I just wanted to be able to see for once. In a world of color, not dullness.

"Sweetheart I know this is hard for you.."

"Do you really mum? Do you honestly?" I grabbed my plate and walked back upstairs, locking my door behind me. I just wanted someone who understood, someone who understands...

I couldn't get so lucky could I?

Color Blind (Lashton)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora