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Everything was a dull grey color.

From the time I woke up in the morning, to the time I fell asleep at night. All I ever saw was grey. People talked about the beauty of a blue sky, a new red corvette, the green leaves of the trees in the park across the street from my home. I could never experience the beauty of the sunrise and sunset in Sydney Harbour.

It was a struggle being color blind. I never knew what my eyes looked like, even though everyone would tell me I had the most beautiful hazel eyes. I could never know what color my mums hair or eyes were, what my room looked like, or even the buttons on the expresso machine at our small family coffee shop.

"Ashton, how many times do I have to tell you what color goes to what?" My dad was always mad at me. I tried my best to try and hide it from everyone that I was color blind so I just tried to blend in.

"I'm sorry Dad."

"Such a screw up." Dad shakes his head and starts to walk away.

"You shouldn't talk to him like that."

I looked up at the sound of a voice. A soft, gentle sound came from the boy in the corner booth. Even though I couldn't see what color of his quiffed hair, or his eyes..

He was beautiful.

Color Blind (Lashton)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt