The small fight

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Mila's POV

"That was the same alien from camp I thought we killed that thing." Douche said

" if it came down with the capsule that means it survived the heat of the atmosphere re-entry...." Alex said

"English Alex please" ZhenZhen says

"Its like wolverine"


"Why the hell is it following us?" Asked Gabe

"Its pissed about its dog." Dariush said

"No, it probably just had orders to kill Collins and anyone she came in contact with. We're just loose ends to this thing." Alex says

" I know you know what dog theory was better.

who gives a frog's fat ass why? This ain't Comic- Con, bitches." ZhenZhen  said

"All that matters is that it wants us dead. And we can't kill it."I said

"There right we should just keep moving." Alex said

"I'm done with your ideas. You were the one to let Hannibal Lecter out of his cell. Consider your leadership privileges provoked." Douche says

"Sometimes you do the right thing and it doesn't work out, that doesn't mean it wasn't worth doing."Alex said

"Who the hell told you that." Douche says

"My dad I didn't know what it meant till now." Said Alex

" why is it up to us to save Humanity."
Douche says

" what do you think someone else should do it, of course you do the I'd who always has everything done for him. Maybe mommy and daddy can pay the alien to go away, buy a new Mercedes." Gabriel yelled then dariush face bumped him and he fell to the ground

"Hey you don't know my family dude" he said as he got on top of Gabriel

"Hey what the hell you both are being dumb right now." I said getting Gabriel while ZhenZhen got Dariush


" you don't know me my family has nothing." Dariush yelled

" oh yeah except for a car dealership and a mansion, and a yacht-" he yelled back

"No the dealership is gone, it's all gone that's why they send me to Camp man."

"Its just stuff" said Gabe

" I don't know who I am without that stuff, and they're taking my dad he's going to jail." Said douche

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry I head butted you, you should clean that up"

"Yea its fine"

I then turned Gabriel towards me and whipped the blood off of him while he stared at me and smiled.

"You fight well my dude." I said and he laughed and kissed my forehead.

We all then decided to go find some new clothes and we ran to a mall.

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