↬ "Touch" + "Drawing"

Start from the beginning

"J-Jin? What's uh- what.. w-what are you doing now, star?"

"Something fun, I think."

Eonel blinked in confusion, flushing something fierce as Jin pressed a soft kiss to her lips before sliding her shirt off in one fluid movement. She grinned, guiding Eonel's hands slowly up her side to where her bra was clasped; Eonel swallowed, hard, fumbling with the darn thing until she managed to unbuckle it after what seemed entirely too long. Unsure of where to put her hands, she set them back at Jin's hips as the other leaned forward.

"Eonel." She received a sort of chirped noise as a response. "...Eonel, I need- I want you to touch me."

"I-I'm not.. really the hands-on learner type."

"You're not-" Jin blinked slowly, snorting as she quickly bit down on her lip to smother a laugh before it came out. "I-I'm sorry, you're not- what?"

"Your- those are lovely!" Eonel gulped, hands instinctively hovering unsure of where to take hold. "I-I just-"

"You've never seen anyone else naked in your entire life, have you?"

"I'm a child of god, my star, this isn't my forte and-"

She turned a vibrant shade of red at Jin's abrupt laugh despite her proud, puffed out chest. A lot of things seemed to be moving at once, leaving the poor elf unsure of where to look for a while until Jin waved her hand in front of her face.

"Dove," she managed between hiccupped laughs, "You know you have breasts too- right?"

Eonel tensed, feeling Jin's fingers slip underneath the hem of her shirt- her wing shot out reflexively to cover herself, brushing the hands away. "I-I would really rather you didn't."

Jin raised an eyebrow, neither trying again nor backing away, fixing her gaze on the elf until the color that'd drained seconds before returned to her cheeks.

"Eonel." The elf shrunk into the mattress at that tone of voice. "I won't continue if you want, but I'm not moving from here until you tell me why you're so adamant about covering yourself head to toe."


Jin gave her a hard look, making Eonel writhe uncomfortably beneath her.


The silence dragged on past the point of comfort for either, filling the room under Jin's unyielding stare. The elf wiggled around, trying through her motions to miraculously find the words that so easily escaped her. The mixture of shame and sadness that now colored her face stirred something primal in the depths of Jin's person, almost sending her racing for her daggers. She grasped at the sheets beneath them, clenching them into fists as she gave her wife an encouraging nod.

Eonel sighed, covering her face with the outer feathers of her wing, holding her hands palm up towards Jin. The former flinched when the other began to unravel the bandages wrapped around her forearm, slowly revealing a long, paled scar vertically trailing a vein on either of Eonel's arms.

"... Eo?" The concern in Jin's voice bit into Eonel like frostbite, drawing out a shaky breath from the elf as she began in a trembling voice, "I... I-I don't know my parents. Don't know who they are, or what they look like- I'm- I'm not even sure Falamir is my last name. But I must have done something- I must have- for them to just-"

She swallowed the knot stuck at her throat, unable to stop herself once everything began to spill out. "The streets- they're all I remember, and for a long time, I was alone. Lying, stealing, whatever it took- none were of too much consequence, especially when the kids came along."

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