↬ "Fox" + "Rain"

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The little Vulpix pressed its nose to the glass, huffing a puff of fire as it set its head on the windowsill. Its ears twitched at the sound of a Pidove sitting in the tree out front, tails wagging impatiently in rhythmic thud against the couch. It sprang onto its hind legs, front paws pressed to the window as the bird flapped its winged and cried out.

"Enjoying the rain, Va?"

Eira scratched lightly behind the fox's left ear, drawing out a small yip in response. It waited for her to settle across the couch before hopping into her lap. Back to the arm rest, Eira set to scratching the Vulpix pawing at her stomach for attention underneath the chin.

"Having a nice chat with the neighbor's Pidove?"

She smiled at the Vulpix's indignant expression, the latter gently nipping at her fingers before budging her hand up to pet the bangs on its head. When it decided it'd had enough, it promptly crawled into the pouch at the front of Eira's sweater, resting its face into the palm of her hand before dozing off. Eira leaned towards the coffee table without shifting as much of her body as possible to snag the book laying there.

Though the book itself looked quite worn yet loved, the title's golden letters carved into leather cover retained their splendor- Twin Heroes: Tales of Truth and Ideals. Faerytales, but the TV mumbling news away to an otherwise empty living room didn't have anything better to offer. She stayed there reading and listening to the soft patter of rain until her hand went numb underneath Vulpix's head, and then some more until the little fox woke up. It yawned in that way dogs do, opening its mouth in full while sticking out its tongue to a high-pitched whine, stretching out its paws before dragging itself out of Eira's sweater.

Eira let out a groan as it sprang onto the windowsill, small paws digging into her stomach as it caught impulse. It pawed at the glass then yipped back at her with urgency, wanting to be let outside now that the rain had stopped.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Eira groaned, stretching backwards to open the front door. It used her extended arm as a ramp, disappearing out the door before Eira had time to think about it. Within seconds, it chased the cooing Pidove off back over the neighbor's fence, huffing before beginning its rounds around the garden. 

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