↬ "Touch" + "Drawing"

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Content Warning: The following piece contains heavy implications of suicide and abuse, and the two females leads are topless for the majority of it (which isn't as bad, but, y'know, covering bases). 


"... did you really mean that back there?"

"Hmm?" Eonel peered up from the sea of notes scattered around her on the floor, taking the opportunity to stretch her hands overhead with a small grunt. She'd gone over the same books so many times she'd practically become an expert deciphering Jin's unkempt handwriting in the margins. So many gods to study, so little time...

"About ...wanting a child?" Jin paused, strolling over to sit at the bed behind Eonel before continuing, "With me?"

"You're the one I married. Who else's child would I have?"

Jin ran her hands through Eonel's hair, enticing the elf to move back between her legs to lay her head back against Jin's stomach as she thought. "Aquaman's?"

"...Jin, love of my life, wind beneath my wings, my beautiful star-" Uh-oh. "Notwithstanding that I'm not attracted to males of any species, why in the nine Hell's would I ever bring little winged turtle demons into this world? One Kannig is enough for this world and the next."

"I, for one, think winged turtle demons would be morbidly adorable in a.. messed up sort of way."

"You're insufferable, my star."

"Yet you married me anyways," Jin grinned at her, drawing a laugh from the elf as she set herself to playing with the latter's long, flowing hair. She attempted to turn it into some form of a braid as Eonel leafed through a book to her right, jotting down cursive notes on scrap paper using one of her own feathers for a quill. Jin watched her for a time, thinking of how best to frame the question circling her mind since the tavern.

"... how come you don't have a child already? You definitely look old enough to have one."

A slight flush colored Jin's cheeks as Eonel raised an eyebrow at her, "It's the white hair, isn't it?"

"T-That's not- what.. how- You know what I mean!"

Eonel hummed a chuckle, tilting her head this way and that, seeming hesitant to answer. She piled their combined work into the book, leaving them on the nightstand before joining Jin on the bed.

"You seem good with them from what I saw with Streia, and I had to almost drag you away from that lady and her child earlier so I know you're fond of them," Jin encouraged, "Just... seems kind of weird is all."

"I'd just..." Eonel gestured vaguely at the space in front of them, "Never found the right person before. Made harder by the whole, y'know, liking girls thing."


"Until now," Eonel smiled, taking Jin's hand in hers and bringing to her lips to press a soft kiss to them.

"And now you have me." Jin swung herself around, straddling Eonel's waist with her thighs.

The elf nodded, winding her arms loosely round the other's waist as she leaned her head on her chest. A noise stuck in Eonel's throat as her lips met her wife's, a sort of hum as she fell back against the mattress, arms held in place above her head by one of Jin's. The latter moved her hips around, pining Eonel's lower half in place.

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