"Its nothing" I told them. "I'm going to get some juice" I got up and left the room. Right when I closed the door I covered my face with my hand.

I never knew she could be this cute. I think she awoken something inside of me. I was blushing a lot and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I bumped into Tsubame-senpai. It was a few days ago when I slowly lost feelings for her and I think she did too.

"Sorry" I walked pass her and head straight to the vending machine. I got myself some orange juice and out my headphones on.

I was about to open the door until I heard talking so I stopped myself.

"Maybe we should just wait until we see more of a difference!" I heard the president say.

"B-But what if its to late!" Iino yelled. Was she worried about me? "I'm worried about him..." I heard her voice cracking.

"Don't cry Iino, we know how much you care about him and we care about him too but he might just be feeling down today" Shinomiya-senpai said.

"Ok..." I figured now was the time for me to walk in.

"I'm back" I walked in and sat down next to Iino. Everyone was staring at me. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing" President said. Iino looked uncomfortable.

Everyone was so silent for such a long time I finished my juice. I want another one.

"I'm going to get juice" Both me and Iino said at the same time.

"Huh you want more juice?" Iino said.

"Yeah" I wasn't in the mood to get into an argument. "Wanna go together?" I ask. Everyone looked shocked that we weren't arguing and that my personality was different.

"Sure whatever" We get up and leave.

I see Ogino already surrounded by a bunch of people, making friends. Someone like him doesn't deserve friends. I saw Iino walking towards then group saying stuff like, "You should wear your uniform properly" I saw them stick a paper on her back that said "brat" I got pissed of. When she returned by my side I secretly took it off of her and threw it away.

"What juice do you want I will pay" I told her after getting my orange juice.

"Its fine I could get my own" She reached over to order her juice but I grabbed her hand.

"I will pay" I told her again.

"Fine get me a grape" I got her a grape and we both walked back.

"Hey Iino do you like anyone?" I ask.

"Huh where that coming from?" She questioned me.

"Just want to know more about you" I said.

"Yes I do I think"

"Oh, I don't think I like Tsubame-senpai anymore" I told her while sipping on my juice.

"R-Really?" She said.

"Yeah" I said.

We walk into the room and Fujiwara immediately drags us to the couch.

"Lets play the I love you game again!" She yelled.

"Senpai wh-what are you doing!" Iino yelled.

"I will be the judge of this competition and first is Kaguya and Ishigami!" We walked up to each other and played.

"I love you Shinomiya-senpai" I said.

"I love you Ishigami-kun"

I whispered in her ear. "I am saying this on behalf of the President since he is to scared too" I told her.

"What?!" She started blushing and went to the corner of the room.

"Next is Iino and Shirogane!" Fujiwara announced.

"I love you President" She said. I don't know why it made me mad a little.

He leaned in and whispered something but Iino didn't budge, instead she whispered something to him making him blush.

"Now for the finale!"

"Iino I love you" I told her.

"Thanks I like you a lot too" She said back. I started blushing and avoided eye contact with her. "So easy" She teased.

"Shut up" I said covering my face.

"This time I mean it" She said.

Huh. She means it!

"M-Me too!" I blurted out. Crap I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. "I mean it..." I said.

"I-I have to go home!" Iino ran out of the room while I just stood there like an idiot.

"I have to go home to die" I told the president.

"Uh ok don't die" He told me as I walked out the room.

I'm such an idiot. Why did I say that, its gonna be so weird around us now. I wanna die. I buried myself in my blanket and sat in the corner of my room. I like her very very very very much! Why didn't I realize this sooner!

I was walking around the school and saw someone stick something on Iino again. I took it off of her and stuck it on the guy without him knowing. Me and Iino haven't spoken a word to each other after that incident. When it was time for us all to be in the council room together we still haven't spoken a word.

"You don't seem to like me very much do you?" She seemed mad when she say in the couch next to me. She was starting an argument after not talking the whole day.

"Huh?" I was starting to get mad. "I like you the most in this world though?" My mind said other wise. I still had love on the brain.

Saying that led to one week of not talking to each other or even looking at each other.

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