Ex'es and Exceptions

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"You're coming over? Today?" I heard Niall say into his phone.

"Really, that's great!" he said pacing back and forth.

He's probably just talking to his family. Wait, Niall's family might be coming over! I gotta go get ready. I walked to the bathroom while grabbing my clothes with me. I changed really quick, applied my makeup, and added any accessories to go along. I walked out only to hear a high pitched voice screeching. Um either Niall's mom is really high pitched or some giraffes came and ripped out her vocal cords. I turned the corner and saw what you might call a "barbie". Her platinum blonde hair was nowhere near natural, full blue eyes popped from their sockets, and fifty pounds of makeup were caked onto her face in thick layers. She could probably take it all of in maybe a year of continuous scrubbing. I instantly thought about myself and the minimalist if lazy person's makeup I was wearing, none, and the simple skinny jeans and Pink Floyd tee. I could tell she was silently judging me within her head. My frumpy clothes stood no chance to the tiny mini skirt that maybe covered her underwear, it was pink plaid by the way, deep v-necked Pepto Bismol shirt that plunged into her cleavage, and if she bent over her top half might fall onto the floor. Ginormous candy pink heels were on her feet, six inch death traps if I'd ever seen them. I decided to give her a chance, I mean who am I to judge? She may be really nice. I walked over and said, while sticking my hand out for her to shake, "Hi I'm Hazel, nice to meet you," she looked at it disgustedly and nodded, never taking my hand.

"I'm Chloe. Niall's BEST friend," she said while emphasising the word 'best'.

I sat back down on the other side of Niall while they continued to talk. I decided there was no point for me to be here, so I walked to the back room of the bus. So far the only people who knew about the room were me and Zayn. I walked in the room with a notebook and pen. Did I mention I'm a writer? Well, now you know. I sat down on a black metal chair, crisscrossing my legs. I opened my notebook and wrote quickly, scrunched over the journal.

'He allowed her to walk in on his life. Completely ignoring me. The one who was in his life. She came in and I could automatically feel a cold breeze come in. I shivered as she glared at me. Her auroa sending off ice cubes. They didn't acknowledge me at all. Their backs were towards me along with the fact that I was not wanted.'

I stopped writing when I heard the door open. I quickly found my hiding spot for the journal and just sat there until I saw the inturder in plain sight. It was just Zayn.

"Hey Hazel," He said, looking at me while taking the second black metal chair next to mine.

"Hey Zayn," I replied, getting up and walking back to my seat.

"What brings you here?" He asked me

"I could say the same for you," I pointed out, lifting my knees to my chin.

"I just needed some peace and quiet is all,"

"Oh I just needed a place to write," I say looking at the ground then back at my notebook.

"Can I see what you wrote?" He asked politely.

"Um, no," I whispered shaking my head. No one was allowed to read my stories. They would automatically assume that they're about someone.

"Why not?" He asked while poking out his bottom lip.

"It's personal," I replied, pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"That just makes me wanna read it even more!" He whined childishly.

"Okay fine, you wanna know what its about?" I ask while he just nodded his head vigorously.

"It"s about the pain that all girls get when they're on there period," I lied as he made a face.

"Okay well um.. I probably shouldn't have asked then," He said awkwardly while I laugh.

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