Shower and Singing

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I was awoken by the sound a loud click. I open one eye and saw the boys laughing while hovering over Zayns phone. I look to my side and see a passed out Niall still holding onto my waist. I nudged him a bit and tried to get up without waking him. I look over at the boys; now watching tv in the tiny rectangle we call our living room. I noticed that Harry wasn't with them. I scanned the area and saw him laying on his bunk.

"Harry" I whispered

He looked up from his phone.

"Yeah?" He said while smiling a bit. I couldn't help but notice that after a while that his smilefaltered a bit.

"What were the boys laughing about?" I asked while Niall shifted over.

"They took a picture of you and Niall all snuggly buggly" He says frowning at the mention of Niall's name.

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