Chapter 30

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Dear Tam,

              You probably don't want to hear from me at all. I wouldn't either if I were you. But I have to explain. I am so sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. You were right to accuse me of cheating on you, and honestly, I kind of deserve it. But anyways, I have to explain this to you. You will probably think I am crazy, but honestly, I don't care. I've kept the truth from you, my boyfriend. Well, kind of my boyfriend. Whatever, let me start my story. Ummm, well this starts on a day when I realized I like Keefe Sencen. And before you get all mad and start yelling at me, this was in my world. Whatever, just keep reading. I was supposed to go to the Vacker's house to hang out but somehow I drank this sleep elixir Elwin gave me and somehow I teleported to this dimension. I have no idea how this works, and I don't think anyone ever will. It's just some weird mystery outside of elvin magic. Anyways, I was transported to this dimension and I woke up and everything had changed. Did you know Fitz is actually a telepath? Well, imagine my surprise when you came out of nowhere and kissed me. In my dimension, you're dating-. Wait, i'm not gonna tell you who. That's just gonna mess everything up. Days kept passing and everything was different. I cried myself to sleep sometimes. Then I had my huge fight with you. All of the times when I messed up stuff or forgot things is because they don't happen in my universe. Eventually, Keefe figured it out and I had to explain. He has been trying to help me and that's why we have been spending all this time together. And yes, i Still have a crush on Keefe but not the one from this dimension. This Keefe doesn't like me at al, don't worry. This has just been really complicated, but Elwin helped me find a "cure" or something and I am leaving tonight. Hopefully everything will go back to normal, but I honestly don't know. I am so sorry I lied to you, but I can barely figure this out myself and there was no way that I could explain it to you. I hope you forgive me, so I have time to say goodbye. You are the most loving and caring boyfriend that anyone could ever ask for which is really surprising because you are not like that in my dimension. This dimension Sophie is really lucky to be your girlfriend. I hope that everything works out for you guys.

Love, Sophie

Sophie folded the note and tucked it into the envelope. If Tam wasn't going to talk to her, she would make sure he understood what was going on. She sighed in relief and sat on her bed, butting her head on her knees. This was all so stressful, but she was glad she could rely on her friends. Sophie smiled fondly as she thought of going back to her universe and finally telling Keefe what she felt. She had been putting it off, and now she wasn't so sure what she would do when the moment arrived.

"Are you ready to go?", Sandor called from outside the door

"Yep", Sophie called back.

It was time for her last day at school.


Sophie walked down the glittering halls of Foxfire towards the healing center.

"Hey Sophie wait up!", a voice called

Sophie turned around to see Keefe jogging down the hallway.

"What's up?", Sophie asked as Keefe walked up to her.

"You going to Elwin's?", he asked, trying to catch his breath

"Yep', she replied, "He should have my medicine done. Or whatever it is. I should ask him what he calls it."

"Well, you can", Keefe pointed down the hall.

True to his word, there was Elwin. He looked as if he was sneaking around the school."

"Elwin!"Sophie called to the physician.

Elwin turned around with a look of surprise on his face that soon turned to guilt. He walked down the opposite halfway, pretending as if he hadn't heard her.

Waiting for Sencen ~ Book #1 in the Flipped Fanfiction Series~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now