The next day, I was walking down the hall with Ashton, heading down to the cafeteria.

Suddenly, Ashton fell down to the ground and Stacy's laugh filled my ears. I quickly helped Ashton to his feet and glared at Stacy.

"That's enough Stacy!" I yelled.

She gave me an innocent look.

"I don't know what you're talking about," She said.

Her minions laughed.

"Leave us alone, or I swear to God, I will not hesitate to tell your secrets," I growled.

She narrowed her eyes at me. We stared at each other for a moment. People were starting to gather around us, wanting the entertainment of a fight.

"Stacy, I have a question for you," I said breaking the silence.

Before she could say anything, I continued.

"Why did you 'take me in?'" I asked. "Why did you decide to change me?"

She was quiet for a moment.

"Do you remember Jake?" She asked.

I nodded.

He was a basketball player and he started dating Stacy right after I joined her and the minions.

"He had refused to go out with me until he made me a deal," She said slowly. "The deal was for me to change you."

I felt my jaw drop slightly.

"So you change almost everything about me, just so you could have a little fling with Jake?" I asked.

She nodded with a grin.

"That's low, even for you," I said.

She shrugged.

"It was fun while it lasted," She said not caring.

Ok, I was done with her crap.

"Ok, then since you found that fling fun, and I'm done with you, are you going to stop bugging us?" I asked.

She narrowed her eyes at me again.

"Now, that, that isn't fun," She said tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Fine, we'll do this the hard way," I said crossing my arms and taking a small step towards her.

She gave me a don't-you-dare-look.

"You want to know why Jake dumped your sorry ass?" I asked.

Her eyes widened slightly.

"It was because he tried to get with me," I continued.

She still said nothing.

"That night at the party, you remember the one he dumped you at? Well, yeah, he made a move towards me, and I told him to back off. He tried talking me into it, too," I said.

"You want to go there?" Stacy challenged. "You've only had one boyfriend."

I shrugged as the people around us sounded surprised.

"You've only three," I shot back.

Her eyes widened while everyone 'oohhhed.'

"You didn't have your first kiss until you were sixteen," She rounded.

"You didn't have yours until you were fifteen," I countered.

Everybody's eyes widened around us.

"You're a virgin," She hissed.

She thinks that would bother me? I almost wanted to start laughing. I took another step towards her and narrowed my eyes.

"So are you," I said slowly annunciating every syllable.

Her eyes widened the farthest they could go and she took a step back away from me. Everyone around us became extremely quiet. She glared at me.

"How about we stop with this little game?" I asked.

"You leave me alone, leave Ashton alone, and leave Luke, Michael, and Calum alone. How about you just leave everyone alone?" I asked. "Because if you don't, I will tell everyone why you left Thornberry High, in the middle of freshman year."
She gasped.

"You wouldn't dare," She said.

"I have the pictures to prove it," I added.

She took a few steps towards me until we were face to face.

"You show or tell anyone and I will ruin your life," She hissed.

"Then back off," I said in a low voice.

She took one small step back and suddenly something warm hit my cheek. My head snapped to the side and my cheek started stinging. My eyes widen as I stared at her in disbelief.

"Did-did you just-"I stuttered out.

Warm hands grabbed my arms and held me back before I could lunge at Stacy. I turned away from her and faced Ashton's worried face.

"I will not stoop down to her level and beat the absolute crap out of her," I told him quietly.

I spoke to Stacy without turning around.

"You better walk away now," I said still looking into Ashton's eyes. "You remember who I leaned my fighting from."

It was quiet for a moment before the clicking of Stacy's heels fading quickly. I turned around slowly to see Stacy nowhere in sight.


I noticed everybody was still standing around me.

"Don't you have something better to do?" I snapped at everybody.

Everybody scurried off quickly. I stalked off towards the cafeteria and sat down heavily next to Mikey. I grabbed the unopened sack of chocolate milk off of Luke's tray and pressed it to my sore cheek.

"What happened?" Mikey asked surprised.

He moved the cold sack away from my cheek and examined it.

"Who slapped you?" He asked.

He gently traced the outline of a handprint.

I slapped his hand away as it made it sting more.

"Who else?" I snapped.

"Stacy is such a bitch," Calum muttered.

"She may be a bitch, but she can slap," I said quietly.

"What did you do to get slapped?" Luke asked.

"I told you, blackmail," I said with a sly grin.

"Would you like to tell us?" Michael asked.

I shook my head.

"I'm not like Stacy," I said carefully. "I will not spread something she clearly doesn't want everyone to know. I already said enough things for the school to talk about for a couple weeks."

"You're such a good person," Luke said smirking.

"Shut up, Hemmings," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

They all laughed.

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