Chapter 30

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I didn't sleep much that night. Thoughts of my dad sneaking up to try to lock Liesel in her room kept me tossing and turning. What was his deal with witches anyway? I never heard any stories of him encountering any, which only added to the mystery. If Liesel's presence was going to cause this much tension, we wouldn't stay. I needed her to help me understand, and she was my only insurance if Amy tried to take control.

Early in the morning, Lucas whispered that he was going to meet my dad for a pre-breakfast run. It seemed like a step in the right direction, so I nodded and let him go. I laid still for about an hour before deciding to get up myself. With any luck, I could peek in on Liesel before heading downstairs to breakfast.

I could hear the house coming to life as I changed into a flowy sundress. Doors opening and closing, footsteps in the hall, the murmur of voices... My parents had more people in their house than Lucas did, but they also had a lot more moving pieces in their pack. It simply made sense to keep more people close at hand.

Slipping into a pair of sandals, I stepped out of my room into the hall. The guard from last night stood like a sentinel beside Liesel's door, ramrod straight and focused. With a low growl, I swept across the hall and knocked on her door. She answered right away, so I let myself in.

She on the end of her bed, notebook in hand. "Good morning, Karina. How did you sleep?"

I shuffled across the room and joined her on the end of the bed. "...not great. I was too wound up, thinking about my dad and his reaction to you."

"Please don't stress yourself because of me," she sighed. "I am... more than used to people's less-than-welcoming attitudes toward witches."

"Still..." I muttered. "Are you coming down for breakfast?"

She grimaced. "If it's all the same to you, I ordered something to be brought here. I'd rather not ruin breakfast for everyone by testing your father's limits."

It made sense. I should try to talk to him before bringing her into another conversation. If Lucas hadn't made any headway during their run, breakfast could at least be a neutral meeting.

"Of course. Do you need anything before I go?"

She shook her head. "I'm just going to go through my notes of what has happened so far. If your father can provide more details of what they've been experiencing here, we may be able to start piecing things together."

I stood and straightened the skirt of my dress. "I won't ask during breakfast, but hopefully later I'll be able to see some reports."

"I'll be here," she chirped.

I let myself out and closed the door behind me. The guard's gaze darted sideways for a second.

"You've been here all night," I stated, crossing my arms as I stopped in front of him.

"I figured that I should, as Alpha Adrian wanted her room locked. Since you forbade me from doing that, I didn't dare defy him by leaving the witch unattended."

I huffed. "Her name is Liesel, and she's not a threat. She is here to help me. That is all."

"You should remain on your guard," he countered. "Witches are only loyal to their covens. They can play the ally very well."

I lifted my chin a little. "Do you speak from personal experience, or are you parroting whatever my father has indoctrinated you with?"

His jaw twitched, and I knew it was more of the latter. Loyalty was no laughing matter, and my father earned loyalty. It was admirable until it turned into prejudiced opinions.

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