Evie just sighed as she handed Mal back to Audrey. "No Audrey I'm sorry. You were just trying to help. I shouldn't have reacted like that. You're right I could use some time to process this. Here you can watch her, but please please please follow my instructions that I told you last time I let you babysit because I can't afford anymore injuries on her and I also don't want her watching inappropriate shows. Frozen, Liv and Maddie, Tangled, and Dragon Tales is all she can watch unless she is willing to watch cartoons on nick or Disney junior other than that only those shows and movies. And I mean it because Mal told me you and Uma let her watch Victorious and ICarly last time you babysat and I specifically told you that she isn't allowed to watch those shows. Also no sweets and..." Evie was cut off by Lola who was just staring at Evie like she had just lost her mind.

"Oh my gosh you're worse than Jenny! Just let the kid have some fun every once in a while," Lola told Evie as she thought her new sister was insane and she couldn't believe how uptight her new sister is.

Evie just gave Lola a death glare making Fairy Godmother and Audrey feel awkward as Audrey just smiled at Evie. "Okay Evie I'll follow your rules. I'm not Uma. I can follow simple instructions unlike her. Now come on Violet let's go play at my house," Audrey told Evie and then Mal as she quickly left with her wanting to get away from the awkward situation and the tension growing between Evie and her new sister.

Mal just smiled as she looked at Audrey. "Yay! Can we get Carlos and Jay too! Please Auntie Audrey! That's your new nickname!" The small girl screamed out making Audrey smile as she looked at Mal.

Mal had never called her Auntie before, but she always called Uma Auntie Uma and Audrey had been secretly jealous as Audrey had known Mal longer than Uma had and Audrey was way kinder towards Mal than Uma was.

Audrey just laughed as she made her way towards her house with the small four year old grabbing onto her hand. "Yes we can and we can get Jane too, but not Uma because Uma is busy," Audrey told the small girl as she didn't want Uma to come, but she was fine with Carlos, Jane, and Jay.

The small four year old pouted a bit at this news as she loved Uma. Uma was so much fun and she wanted to be just like her. While they were walking back to Audrey's house they ran into Jane, Carlos, Jay, Uma, and Jenny as Jane had gone to get Carlos and Jay came with him. Mal just smiled as she ran over to them.

"Auntie Audrey is watching me and she says that you can all come too, but she says that you're busy Auntie Uma! Can you be un busy, so you can come too! Please Auntie Uma!" The small girl screamed out making them all smile as they agreed to come with the small girl to Audrey's house.

Uma just smirked as she looked at Audrey and Mal. "Oh I see Auntie Audrey told you that I'm busy well guess what Tiny Tot! I'm free now! So I can come too!" Uma told the small girl, making Audrey glare at her as she didn't want Uma in her home.

Mal just got really excited as she jumped up and down happily. "Yay! Auntie Uma is coming too! This is going to be so much fun! Come on let's go play at Auntie Audrey's house now!" Mal screamed out as she started running towards Audrey's house and the others just smiled except for Audrey as they ran after the small girl towards Audrey's house.

While the others were all at Audrey's house, Fairy Godmother just sighed as she looked at the last two remaining girls in her office. She knew that Evie and Lola deserved answers about their family and the other two sisters.

Fairy Godmother just looked at the two girls. "Do you two mind staying here and getting acquainted while I go do some more research, so I can find out more about your other two sisters and their whereabouts. I'm so sorry you're mother did this to you two and the rest of your sisters," Fairy Godmother told the two younger girls as she couldn't believe The Evil Queen was that horrible of a parent that she would get rid of all, but one of her kids.

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