Epilogue: Happy Endings?

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~Lance's POV~

"Hey Mari, Cal. You guys doin ok?" I walk over to them and start talking to them. "What do you want Lance?" Callie asks. We had known each other for quite a bit, but ever since Cora had taken me to the Agent meeting, and I got on Callies nerves, she didn't like me. Marie on the other hand though, she liked me bieng annoying. She laughed at me most of the time, and joined in being silly. "I'm good Lance. Cal if you don't wanna be here, go away, I wanna talk to Lance." "Fine Mari." Callie walks away, annoyed at what Marie had said. "So, when Is our next date?" Marie asks me. "I don't know, when is our next date?" You see, me and Marie had been dating for years at this point, and no one had ever known about it. "You gonna tell your sis about us dating yet?" She asks me. "Nah, not for a bit anyway. Let's let her adjust to her life of marrige and other bits before she is told." I say back. "Ok then. Can I have a kiss?" She asks, bieng all cute. "Sure." I kiss her on the lips and we both blush.

~Lukas' POV~

"So Rina, you and Pearl respecting each other yet? Forgetting about the whole 'rejection' situation?" Me and Rina were eating food and talking to each other. "Yeah. But, if anything ever happens again, I know that I have you." "Aww, thank you Rina. I love you." "I love you too." We blush and for the first time ever, kiss on the lips. "That felt amazing." I say, looking into Marina's eyes. "I'm so glad I started dating you Luke." Marina replies, kissing me in the cheek and then holding my hand. "Same. No regrets at all." I say back to her.

~7s POV~

"You like the ring?" Leon holds my hand and points toward it. It was gold with an amethyst in the middle; matching my hair colour--purple. "I love it, just like I love you." I kiss him on the lips and hug him. "I love you too Sonia, that's why I proposed to you." Leon told me. "Hey love birds!" Tobias comes over and says. Cora followed right behind him, lifting her dress skirt since it was really long. "Hey Tobias, Cora. You guys wanna dance with us?" I ask. "Sure! This has been the best day of my life, and I never want it to end, but I know it has to. So let's end it with a bang!" Cora says enthusiastically. "That's my nerdy extrovert!" Tobias says, kissing her cheek. Cora blushes and me and Leon chuckle at what Tobias had said. "Cmon! There's no time to waste, let's party!" Leon drags me to the dance floor and Tobias and Cora join us.

~3s POV~

Best day of my life ever! It's a couple hours after the party, and I'm layed in bed with Tobias, snuggling him and holding his hand. "I love you with all my heart 8." "And I love you with all I am 3." We get closer to each other, and then embrace each other. We look into each others eyes and drift of to sleep, knowing that our honeymoon awaits us in a few days.

~1 week later~

~7s POV~

"So what are we doing here again?" I ask 2. "Well, since 3 and 8 are on their honeymoon, you and 4 have to help me and 1 clean up the remnants from the final battle. It's to make sure that anything that could start another war, or another mission that takes a while, can never happen. You will be cleaning up the are you fought 3 and 4 in, as well as Tar Tar. 4 is on the armoury with me and 1. You'll be alone, anything that happens, contact us." 2 says to me as I get enter the next room and make my way to the elevator. I shivered, I wasn't cold, just the memory of fighting sanitized 3 and 4, then Tar Tar came back to me as I entered the room.

I was told to collect anything that could be something to start another mission, or war. So I looked around the room, at the start I found nothing, but that was until I came across a pure white cube, it was the one that Tar Tar used against us in the final fight. I thought that it wouldn't do anything if I touched, but when I did, it got brighter, and brighter, causing me to look away. But after, I looked back at it, and it had split into some fragments. A purple cube, a hot pink triangle with white in the centre, and a blue diamond. I became curious and touched the triangle, and immediately, it attached to my wrist. I screamed in pain as I attached to me. My tentacles transitioned from a purple, to a white, then light pink, then hotpink, same colour as the triangle. Soon after, my eyes changed pure white instead of their normal brown. The triangle remained in my wrist, and if I tried to get it off, pain went through my body. After a while, I gave up and approached the cube. I touched it and it flung me backwards. I got up and looked towards it. It had turned into a suit of armour--silver with purple parts. I stepped toward it and just like the triangle, it attached to me. This time, it covered me and seemed to protect me from something. The final part was the diamond. I left it alone, knowing that if I touched it, it would probably do something to me. Soon after the armour and triangle were on me, I fell to the ground, unconscious.

~Inner Agent 7s POV~

"Where am I?" I look around the room asking. "You are imprisoned in your own mind; I have taken over, and there is no going back." I turn and see me, but the form that I was in real life now. "Who are you?" I ask. "I am you, but better. I am the true you. I am the part of you that you don't want to use. You are weak, I am powerful. You are a small agent who fights for good, I'm a villain that can control an army. You are no one, I am everything you ever wanted to be. I am 7, and I will be the one to complete the task of taking over Inkopolis." I try to move, but realise I'm stuck in enemy ink. It's pink with white in the centre. I start sinking, and soon enough, half of my body is stuck in ink. "You won't get away with this!" I shout. I hear my other self laugh, and reply. "Oh, I already have. You can't control yourself now, I control you. You won't escape from me this time..." I sink further and further, soon decending into darkness..

~7̵̜̖̬̌̅̐ś̸̙̆͛ ̶̜͚͕̃̾͊̕P̷̱̥̥͐͆̆̂Ơ̶̭̌̓͂͒V̸͍͛͑̐̊̎~

I get up and look around, realising I'm finally going to be able to take over Inkopolis. "Ma'am, we have returned to the Metro, we await your order." The head elite Octarian asks me. "You will train and guard the place, the agents cannot know that I am here to take over. Prepare my room as well, and start the duplication of the triangle. It's time we make new ink, glasses, weapons. It's time we rise up and take them down, once and for all..."

Operation Sanitized ~The 38 Saga 2nd Book~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu