"You can hug me!" I put my hands on my hips.

"Nope. Now get out. I have to shower."

"You do smell a little ripe." I wrinkled my nose.

She wiped off her arm and touched my face.

My mouth fell open. "Marcy!"

She just tilted her head.

I wiped her sweat from my face. I was just shocked she'd do something so gross! "I'm telling Mal to kiss you in front of everyone!"

"I'll kill you both."

I hit her. "That was so gross!"

"Get out." She pushed me until I was outside of her door.

I turned around and opened my mouth but she slammed the door in my face. I scoffed in hurt before trying the door but it was locked. "Marcy!"

It was quiet on the other side.

"Marcy! Open this door right now! Marcy!"

"Princess? What is all this noise?" Daddy's voice sounded.

"She kicked me out and wiped sweat on me!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Is that some new slang?"

"No, Daddy. She went for a run and wiped her actual sweat on me."

He wrinkled his nose. "Well I have to get your grandparents from the airport. Don't kill each other while I'm gone."

"I thought Marc was getting them?"

"He's getting Richard, Olga, Jonathan and Caroline. Michael and Sonny are getting Po, Michael, Gertie and Xhi-Xhi. I'm getting my parents while Mother and Father are driving to their own home first."

I thought it was cute how Daddy still called Granddad and Grandmom Mother and Father even though he and Momma are divorced. "We'll see you soon then."

"Are Cookie and Cream coming? You never said if they were."

"Yes. Noah's coming. I'm going to pick him up. The kids are going to say goodbye to Ms. Nadine and Nic beforehand so we'll come back here after so you can say goodbye."

"Sounds good." Daddy went downstairs.

I went back to my room and washed my face. I didn't really have anything to do so I got on my computer and sent my manuscript off to Marcy. I only hoped she'd like it.


"Grandma! Grandpa!" I shouted as I skipped down the stairs.

Grandma opened her arms and hugged me. "How are you, my guiding wind?"

"I'm so good, Grandma!"

"My child." Grandpa kissed my head.

I proudly showed off my new German skills.

He grinned. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you."

"Is that my other child?"

"Hi, Grandpa."

I jumped. "We need to put a bell on you!"

Marcy gave me a dirty look.

"How are you, my strong oak?" Grandma ran a hand through Marcy's curls.

"I'm okay, Grandma. How was your flight?"

"It was great. I'm thinking of dragging your grandfather to see my family while we're in America."

Grandpa groaned.

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