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Mercedes: POV

I pushed open Marcy's door. She wasn't in bed. Secret lifted his head. I patted it. "Where's Mommy, Secret?"

He barked before resettling.

I patted his head again and went to her closet. She wasn't in there so I knocked on her bathroom door. I opened it when I got no answer. It was empty as well.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped and spun around. "Marcy! Make some noise, will ya?!"

"Why are you in my room?"

"Looking for you!" I clapped a hand to my chest to slow my galloping heart-rate.


"Where were you? Why are you all wet?" She was wearing striped shorts and a tank top with running shoes. And she was soaking wet.

"I went for a run." She pulled her earbuds out and set it along with her phone on her nightstand.

"You don't sweat."

She smirked. "I've been running for a while."

"It's seven thirty in the morning. How long have you been out?"

"Since four."

"Four o'clock this morning?! Have you lost your mind?! There's crazy people out at four in the morning!"

Marcy blinked. "Like me?"

I swatted her. "Like serial killers!"

"I would like to meet this phantom serial killer. I think we'd have a great conversation."

I narrowed my eyes. "I came to say happy graduation day."

"Then say it." Her ponytail swung.

"Happy graduation!" I hugged her gently.


"Why'd you run so long? Was it about graduation?"

"I had a lot on my mind."

"And you feel better now?"

"Yeah." She went to her desk and typed something on her laptop.

"What's going on?"

She hit a key and turned around. "I just finished my latest book."

I brightened. "Which one was it?"

"Part of the Grey series."

"I love that series! I can't wait to buy it!"

"You know you don't have to go out and buy it every time I publish a new book."

"I know. But I want to support you. And I was thinking."

"About?" She took a sip from her water bottle.

"I know I've been writing since I was fourteen but I won't let anyone see anything. Will you look over some of my stuff?"

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes. I just finished this book about a single mother finding love and I think this might be the one."

"Wow. This is a big deal. You're thinking of a book deal?"

I shrugged. "Maybe? I don't know. I just think I'm ready for the world to know about me."

"I'd be happy to look over your book."

"Thanks, Marce." I hugged her even as eagle wings beat in my chest. "I really appreciate it."

"I appreciate you not hugging me." She pushed me away and raised a brow.

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