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The first time that I saw this picture, I immediately thought that the guy would be me(even though I can assure you that I'm 100% female). The reason for this being is because I really don't think that there's anyone who would do that to me. I mean, try to kiss me. That would be probably really awkward for them because a. I have no experience with kissing people and b. I'm just really weird like that.

I might not know what to do and just mess it all up(I'm really nervous about that). Maybe it's nice being able to say that you kissed someone, but I don't think that I'll be kissing anyone for a long time..

Anyways, aside from my "uniqueness" as I like to call it, kissing someone for me.... Would be different... I guess, in a good way. However, I do not know if this is correct or not, but I have found out that just by making out with someone for a few minutes, there are millions of bacteria that go inside your mouth that's from their mouth.... Yeah.... Ew... =.=

I could go on and on about how unsanitary it is, but no one would really listen because kissing is an intimate type of "thing" for couples to do...

And on the topic of kissing, there is also love... Love for me is... Just something that bond/connect people together. It doesn't matter what gender they are or where they are from or what they were doing before they met you. All that matters is that you like them... A lot... That feeling could potentially turn into love, I guess.

I haven't had a crush in a long time. I don't know why but I just think that my expectations are just too high for some people and because I don't really think that I have the time and maturity for it yet. I'm just not ready.

It might take a few years or even a decade for me to fall in love. But when I do, I don't think that it would bother me that much. Because I believe that I'll be able to trust the one that I love and care deeply about. That I would also be able to trust myself through the hard times.


So, yeah... This is just something that I was thinking of today and wanted to share with you guys.... I know it's so random, but that's just the way that I am(I was born that way XD).

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