Start from the beginning

        "Some taken," she frowned.

"You're calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water," Katara amassed back.

        Sokka, who was doing the very thing she insulted, tore his eyes away from the water and shot his sister a glare. But as the two started to bicker, like they so often did, Jing-hai noticed something shift beneath her. Feeling the motions of the water veer beneath the boat, the waterbender inside her ━━━━━━ deep, deep, inside her, detected an upcoming peril. But before she could warn the others, it struck them hard and it struck them fast.

      An iceberg slammed into the body of their canoe now, sending them reeling forwards. Each member of the trio cried out in surprise, watching helplessly as they were dragged into the icepack. Threading their way through the violent waves, icebergs started to collide with one another, breaking off into sharp ice boulders vast enough to crush them. They managed to narrowly avoid each falling death-trap whilst becoming puppets of the water.

"Sokka, turn left!" Katara called out to the boy who tried desperately to steer.

      However, as he did so, Jing-hai caught sight of a sinking berg and hauled them to the right, dodging death so suddenly that their turn jolted her off of the boat. Flinging backwards, she plummeted into the depths below.

"Jing!" The Water Tribe siblings exclaimed.

      The girl overboard struggled tremendously to resurface, flailing her limbs out in a panic. The icy water encompassed her now, and she became at mercy to the currents. However, as the deep blue became her master, she thought back to the words of her sister, a long, long time ago. She had asked Jing-hai what it was like to waterbend. And though having attempted only once, in defiance to her parents, her answer stuck with her to this very day.

"Waterbending, to me, is like going your whole life without breathing and then finally taking your very first breath. It's scary and exciting and just might kill somebody, but it's also the part of you you can't live without. It saved me."

The words 'it's a part of you' spiralled around her head like a mantra now, as she stilled her struggle. Then, feeling herself live and breathe within the water that imprisoned her, she was free. Ascending upwards, she went. Sokka and Katara watched from the safety of the iceberg they had since migrated to as she broke the surface, bobbing up and down upon the water like a buoy. Before the waves could defeat her, Sokka lunged across the ice and yanked her up onto the platform as she coughed and spluttered. The three were reunited just in time to watch their canoe get crushed beneath some ice.

"You call that left?" Katara lambasted.

"If you don't like my steering, maybe you should have waterbended us out of the ice!" Sokka replied.

        "If we had gone left, we would be looking an awful lot like our boat, right now," Jing-hai defended.

Katara paid no mind to her friend, hell-bent on sticking it to her annoying brother. "So it's my fault?"

An iceberg surfaced behind them.

"I knew I should have left you at home," Sokka groaned. "Leave it to a girl to screw things up."

      "Okay, now I'm on her side, you jerk!" Jing-hai frowned and punched her best friend in the arm.


"You are the most sexist, immature, nut-brained jerk-" as Katara rightfully laid it out for her brother, they felt the glacier start to tremble. Just behind the furious girl, a large crack started to fester up the ice wall. "Ugh, I'm embarrassed to be related to you! Ever since Mom died, I've been doing all the work around camp while you've been off playing soldier!"

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