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*Ruby's POV*

I woke up and groaned, rubbing my eyes.
I'd stayed up far too late the night before.

I grabbed my phone and read the text I had from Saffron.


"Shit." I mumbled. Why had I stayed up late the night before again?

I got out of the warm spot under my duvet and grabbed the clothes from my chair.
Black ripped jeans, a comforting and slightly oversized grey sweatshirt and white trainers.
I lined my eyes with eyeliner and tucked my hair into a messy, untamed bun.
I put in my multiple earrings and checked myself in the mirror before exiting my room.

I walked downstairs and popped my head around the kitchen door frame.
"Bye." I smiled as I waved to my mum who sat at the table.
"Bye, Ruby. Have a good day. I hope you meet nice people." She smiled back.


I arrived to the grounds of the college and parked my car and saw Saffron perched on a nearby wall, playing with the small butterfly earrings in her ears.

I shut my car door and approached her with an accusing look on my face. "How long have you been here then?"
She smiled a shy smile. "Ages. At least half an hour. I'm really, really excited."
I rolled my eyes and then smiled. "Typical."
I pulled out a cigarette from my bag and lit it and watched Saffron scowl. "Do you have to do that? It's gross."

Before I could respond, a familiar white car pulled up and parked beside mine.

"Oh, hey." I smiled, as our friends Eve and Marley approached us.
"Do you have to do that?" Eve gestured towards the smoking cigarette.
"See!" Saffron yelled, grateful that someone had backed her up.
I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Shut up, Saffy."

Saffron ignored me and turned her attention back to the two blonde girls in front of us.
"So, why did you come with Eve, Marley? You live around the corner. Why didn't you walk?" Saffron asked the girl in denim jeans and an oversized grey hooded jacket.
Marley shrugged her usual careless shrug. "I couldn't be assed."
"You can never be assed walking anywhere!" Eve pointed out, and Marley just smirked.

"Look, it's the last of the group." I pointed out as a small, blue car pulled up.
Lana jumped out of the car, wearing her usual hippie dungarees that she swore by as they were 'good for the environment'.

Lana walked over to us and clapped her hands together. "So, who's ready for this?"
"Me! I'm so excited." Saffron gushed.
"I'm actually quite nervous." Eve looked between us for reassurance.
Marley and I exchanged a mutual glance and shrugged.
"Maybe there'll be fit boys." Saffron's eyes almost goggled.
We all nodded and there was a chorus of "maybe".

"Let's go find out then." I said.
Everyone gathered their stuff, straightened themselves out and we headed towards the door of the college.

I just wanted this chapter to get a feel of the girls across before the boys come in.

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