Everything is odd.

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My heart was pounding, my lungs hurt from screaming, my head was racing. I had fallen asleep and woke up in the all too familiar HYDRA torcher room. They had been in there for hours with me, I was their favorite to torcher. I would heal so I wouldn't bleed out, yet I felt every single thing. They were telling me about why I shouldn't burdon my father, because he wouldn't like who I am. They branded a star into my shoulder. even tho everything heals, some things scar. Bullet holes, brandings, and deep cuts. What I remember from that day is having no will to fight them back. It had been almost a year at HYDRA and I assume no one was looking for me. Every punch, every stab, every poke, all felt like it had just happened. My whole body ached as I felt like there was something missing. I looked around trying to figure it out, when I saw the containment Freezer. That shouldn't have been there for another few months.

I heard my name being screamed as I was pulled out of the dream. My hands instantly went to my hair as I sat up trying to catch my breath. I looked up to see a very worried Steve.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I said, avoiding eye contact. HYDRA agents hated if I ever woke them up.

He sat down next to me and quietly ran his fingers through my hair, I assume to try to calm me down. "Hey, don't worry about it. Are you okay? What was that all about?" He asked softly hugging me.

I hesitated, "Um... I don't wanna talk about it right now... What time is it?"

Steve nodded and pulled out his phone, "4:30 in the morning."

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but do you want to go on a run? I doubt I will fall back asleep."

It was dark but I could see his smile, "Yes, I'll go ask Natasha for some clothes for you."

As he left I saw Bruce walk in, turning on the light, "Hey kiddo, I heard you screaming but I didn't wanna steal your dads thunder. I have these sleeping pills if you want them. I used to have nightmares a lot too, and the big guy would be the one to wake up. Not to mention how many beds and lamps I've had to buy."

"Whenever HYDRA would give me sleeping pills, all they would do was make it so I couldn't wake up. I would be stuck for hours in a nightmare, just to wake up and they would make a new nightmare for me." I sighed, laying back against the wall.

He handed me the small bottle, "They make it so you don't dream, good or bad."

"Thank you," I smiled seeing Steve walk through the door with a pile of clothes.

He looked at the bottle in my hand, "What's that?"

"Some sleeping pills, I used to have nightmares so I made them. They make it so you just sleep, you don't dream." Bruce explained.

Steve nodded, "Only take one if you want to, nobody will be mad if you don't."

I smiled and he handed me a pair of shorts and a tank top, "Thank you."

"And by the way, someone made Natasha cranky and I have no clue who it was." Steve said with his hands up.

"My guess is it was probably you, Steve." Bruce said, smiling.

"Is there a bathroom or something I can change in?" I asked shyly.

Steve gestured to the door in the corner of the room. I walked into the bathroom, it was gray, white, and black. It looked so new, like better than the stories we heard of the future. I changed and looked at myself in the mirror. I washed off my face, getting rid of the tears. I was trying to be fast.

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