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Time skip to Saturday.

"Everything's check". Y/n said to himself as he was internally breaking down because of the invite that he gave to Wonyoung. His parents weren't home as if by the power of plot so it was just gonna be him and Wonyoung today. "It's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine." Y/n chanted to himself over and over again.

Time skip

Ding dong. Y/n snapped out of his trance and instantly got up from his chair to greet his guest. He opened the door and... she was beautiful

Imagine this outfit

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Imagine this outfit.

"Oh, hey. It's you." Y/n nonchalantly said even though he's on the verge of exploding. To any other normal human being this would just be a perfectly normal meet up to discuss their assignment, but to Y/n it was more than that. "Hello! May I come in?" Wonyoung said. "Yea sure, make yourself at home." Y/n replied.

Wonyoung sat herself on the couch in the living room as Y/n went to the kitchen to get some drinks. Soon after he came out and sat himself right next to her.

Y/n: s-so... shall we start?
Wonyoung: oh come on, let's talk for a bit before starting
Y/n: u-uhm sure
Wonyoung: where are your parents?
Y/n: they're out of town so it's just us for today
Wonyoung: o-oh... okay

Then there was some awkward tension.

"Ughhh Y/n do something!" Y/n thought. "Sooo, hows life?". REALLY Y/N??? "Pffft hahahaha" Wonyoung started laughing uncontrollably as Y/n was confused.

Y/n: what's so funny?
Wonyoung: nothing, you're just really cute. You know that?

Y/n's face started getting red as he tried to hide it. "Umm let's just get this done with alright?" Y/n said.
"Okay okay esketit!" Wonyoung replied as Y/n chuckled at her cute action. "Cute" he thought.

Time skip

A few hours passed since they started and it's already 9pm. "Ughhhhh" Y/n groans while stretching.

Y/n: time really flew by huh?
Wonyoung: Yea I should call my parents now.
Y/n: go ahead.

Wonyoung left the living room and entered the kitchen to call her mom while Y/n was cleaning the mess they just made. Soon after he was done cleaning Wonyoung came out with a distraught face.

Y/n: what's wrong?
Wonyoung: umm well my parents aren't gonna be home till 1am since they have a meeting...
Y/n: oh...
Wonyoung: I-it's okay I can just walk back, my house is actually really close by.
Y/n: n-no! I mean, it's dangerous. It's pretty late at night. I-I'll accompany you.
Wonyoung: y-you don't have to. I'll be fine.
Y/n: no I insist.
He says that with a stern face which made Wonyoung flustered. "O-okay"

Time skip

Wonyoung and Y/n can be seen walking along a dark street as Wonyoung looks a bit nervous.

Y/n: hey, what's wrong? (He says while looking at her)
Wonyoung: I-I have bad memories of this street.
Y/n: do you wanna talk about it?

Wonyoung shakes her head as she's clearly scared.
"It's okay, I'm right here." Wonyoung looks at Y/n when he said that. "You don't have to be scared when I'm right here. I told you I'd protect you right?" Y/n said with a caring smile. "Y-yeah" Wonyoung said as she visibly calms down. The next thing Y/n did was unexpected form the both of them. He takes her hand and holds it tightly. He feels that her hand is shaking, so he tightens his grip. "It's okay, I won't let go." He said as the both of them are as red as tomatoes but due to the dark street none of them noticed. The rest of the walk was silent but comfy as the both of them reached Wonyoung's house.

Wonyoung: welp... this is my stop.
Y/n: oh. Okay

Y/n was a bit sad as his moment with her is coming to an end.

Wonyoung: well, I'll see you on Monday then.
Y/n: y-yea of course
Wonyoung: also... you can let go of my hand now.

Only then does Y/n realizes that he's still holding her hand. He quickly lets go and is clearly flustered about it. "I-I'm sorry." Y/n says. "It-it's okay." Wonyoung replies. "Well, I'll be leaving then.". Y/n says. "Yea... goodbye." Wonyoung replies. "Oh and one more thing! Thank you.. for being there for me." Wonyoung says with her smile as Y/n's heart melted.
Y/n buds his farewell one more time as he leaves to go home.

Time skip

As soon as Y/n reached his house he quickly jumped on his bed and screamed into his pillow trying to register the things that happened today.

On the other hand

Wonyoung can be seen hugging her pillow while looking at her phone. She was looking at Y/n's contact and smiled.

Hey! You home yet?

Yeah. I'm back

Oh okay. Glad you're safe. Goodnight then ❤️

Yea... goodnight ❤️

The both of them then realized what they sent to each other and got flustered again. "WHAT DID I JUST DO" They both thought simultaneously. But they were both happy as they went to sleep after a long and exhausting day.

Welp another chapter done. Sorry I've been pretty inactive but this is my first time writing something so the thought of someone reading this is actually baffling me. But thank you for reading this and I'll try to update more. 🙃

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