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Mark screamed at me after me and Wonyoung told him everything that just happened. "Dude can you shut up? Keep it down dumbass" "sorry sorry, but like... damn that's badass of you" he said. "Well I've always been a fighter" I said with a smug face. "Hmmmm maybe for your dream girl you are." And I blushed as soon as I heard that but thankfully it didn't seem like Wonyoung saw it. "So did they do anything to you?" Mark asked Wonyoung. "I'm fine, thankfully Y/n was around or i don't know what would've happened". "Yea you'd have to thank Y/n for that." Soon after our teacher came into class and we all sat back at our places.

"So today I will be assigning partners to each of you guys for a project that will contribute 20 percent of your finals. So make sure you listen up and do it properly" Mr. Kim said. He called out names that would be paired and like fate he paired me up with Wonyoung.

Y/n: I guess I'm paired up with you huh?
Wonyoung: yea :). It looks like you're stuck with me now hehe.
Y/n: welp, I don't mind it

The rest of the period was focused on planning a proper approach for the project so me and Wonyoung got to that. "And as for the topic we should do something about the elements of group 17 then." I said as we finished planning what we were gonna do for our project. "Sounds great! Should we meet up somewhere so that we could do it together?"
Wonyoung asked. "Hmmm we can do it my place if you want during the weekends if you want." I replied. "Sounds like a plan!" She says with her signature smile.

"Tch. Why do you always get in my way you little shit. I can't even talk to her let alone get near her with you around. Just you wait, you'll be mine Wonyoung-ah." Somewhere in the classroom someone had been watching them the whole time...

Colours. (Jang Wonyoung x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now