see her again

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Three years later, Sana and I still hadn't spoken. It'd taken me a long time to get over her, but I did after a while. I was still friends with Chae and Dahyun, but I only kept in touch with Shuhua, soojin, and the two boys from the pride parade. I'd made some new college friends, seulgi, Maria, wendy, and Felix. Now I was in my second year of college, and I also had a new love interest, Eunbi.

Eunbi was great. I loved her smile, and how kind she was to me, and how much she liked my friends.


One day, my broke college ass was in Walmart, a cart filled with lots of top ramen, fake mashed potatoes, a bottle of iced tea, a loaf of bread, and the cheap Walmart brand cream cheese. I was walking to the last aisle I needed for some pencils when I was turning a corner and my cart rammed into another.

"Oh god, sorry!" I apologized, looking down in embarrassment.

"You're totally fi-jihyo?" I looked up at the mention of my name, and holy shit. It had been Sana. I felt a panic rising in me.

She hadn't changed a bit. But She had that blonde hair. Sana still had that glow in her eyes. And, God, she was still wearing that goddamn leather jacket. Except now the jacket was way more worn down.

"Oh my god, it's you!" she exclaimed.

"I-I...," I stammered.

"Ange-er, sorry, habit-... jihyo? Are you okay?" Sana asked. My heart fluttered when she almost called me Angel.

"Yeah, I'm all good... I just... holy shit, it's... it's you...," I said, stammering the whole way.

"Yeah... it's crazy, I never thought I'd see you again..."

"Y-yeah me either anyway b-bye" i was about to leave in hurry but something stopped me

She grabbed my wrist before i could leave "you k-know i have m-missed y-"

i interrupted her "don't. Please don't" now i left her

I'm proud of myself because I didn't cheated on eunbi i mean i just met the love of my life

Or i could say the ex love of my life.

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