Accidental Saviours- Part 2

Start from the beginning

        "So you'd never been outside your room before?" 

        I shook my head no and then elaborated. 

        "I mean, before I was ten or something they let me walk around the house and stuff. That was before the Incident." 

        They looked at me questioningly. I took a deep breath and drank some more. I swallowed and then answered. 

        "It happened when Dad went out to the bar. Mom was in the kitchen pretending to make dinner but we all knew that was her excuse to get away for a little while and have some wine. Dad came home and saw me sitting on the sofa reading. He walked over to me and said, 'Hey you piece of shit!' I looked up and saw he was sneering at me, standing over me like the Tower of Babel. 'Why couldn't you have been my son?' At that point Mom came into the living room and glared at him. 'He is your son!'  

        'He's not my son! You're a whore that slept with that bastard! I lost my real son a long time ago.' At this point I wasn't confused anymore. I realized what they were getting at. Mom glared at him more, she was speechless. He turned to look at me again. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room. That was the last time I'd ever sat on that sofa. He locked me in and then I heard them arguing. 

        "I have a brother somewhere or had. They talked about him like he was dead. I was supposed to have replaced him but I'm not tough. I'm weak. He hates me for it. Mom didn't care enough about me either." 

        Nicholas wrapped his arm around me and I drank the rest of my beer in one gulp. Terron and Jack turned to look behind them, staring at Matt and Dylan. Matt was staring at me thoughtfully. 

        "Is that what they said?" 

        I looked up at Matt. I nodded my head slowly, my vision swimming. 

        "Adam. You're brother didn't die." 

        I looked at Nicholas. 


        He smiled and looked back at Matt. Matt smiled at me. 

        "Hey little bro." 

        I felt my eyes widen and I stood up. I wobbled but it didn't matter. I walked up to Matt who was standing at that time. I hit him in the stomach. I couldn't help it. 

        "I guess I deserved that." 

       "What the fuck man?! I've been here for three fucking months and you didn't tell me you're my brother? What the hell is wrong with you?" 

        He pulled me into a hug. 

        "I didn't know I had a brother, Adam. Mom and Dad and I stopped talking as soon as I stood up to them when I was 17. I left and came here. I was more surprised than anyone to see that I had a brother. I just didn't know how to tell you." 

        I held on to him tightly, crying my heart out on his shoulder. Nicholas came up and touched my shoulder. At that moment, I knew my new family would be one that would stay with me forever. I lost so much but gained much more in return. I was happy for the first time I could ever remember.  

       I woke up the next morning in my bed. I felt someone next to me and saw that Nicholas was laying there, sleeping soundly. I touched his hair. In the time I'd been here I realized that I had feelings for Nicholas. I loved him. He was my savior, my home and my life. He didn't know it and he would never know it.  

        He woke up at that moment and smiled at me. My heart skipped a beat. He pulled me into his chest and hugged me. 

        "I love you, Adam." 

        I closed my eyes and hugged him back with all my strength. 

       "I love you too, Nick." 

      My life had fallen into place despite my crap beginning. I have purpose, I have hope. I have family and love and happiness. Who knew that, when I got captured, it'd be the best thing to ever happen to me? That I would instantly find everything that I yearned for? That I got the ending that I hoped every time I read a book. My life from here on out would be the one that I want. I'm will always be grateful to my Accidental Saviours.


A/N: This is the ending for this two part one shot. lol. I HAD to give him a happy ending. He deserved it after everything he'd been through. Happy Reading! XD

P.S. I'm well aware that saviours is spelled wrong. XD

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