Accidental Saviours- Part 2

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Accidental Saviours- Part 2 (end)

        It's been three months since my "kidnapping." At first Matt, brown-eyes, tried to ransom me off or scare my parents into submission or something. I could have told him it wouldn't work. Surprise surprise, my parents told him to fuck off and that they could keep me. As if I was just a stray cat that landed on their doorstep, handing it off to someone else.  

        My parents have always been indifferent to me and I guess part of me had always wished they loved me. Deep down... deep... deep down. Like a bottomless cavern. This just solidified all of my "inklings." Every kid wishes their parents love them. So for the first month they had me in this spare bedroom somewhere. I was visited daily by the smell of badly cooked food and knocks on the door. And a bladder they thought I was lying about.  

        Nicholas would visit with me every day and sometimes Matt would come along. He would give me this look that would make me wonder what he was thinking about. Nicholas joked about it one time and said that he has chronic constipation. I obviously laughed a little. I haven't laughed in a long time. 

        After the first month was over, they said that the room was mine if I wanted or I could go on my merry way. I was nineteen, stupid, naive and never been out of a ten by ten box in my entire life. So I stayed. They were the only people I knew besides my parents after all. I missed my stuff that I had. My books. My music.  

        The second month came and passed pretty quickly. Then halfway through the third month I asked what day it was. I'm sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal. Matt turned to me and answered. 

        "It's July 15th. Why?" 

         I smiled a little and shrugged. 

        "No reason." 

        Matt looked at me weird and then something in his head finally clicked. 

        "It's your birthday Adam? You weren't going to say anything?" 

        I shook my head no. I don't know how to handle these things. 

        "Why not, you little shit?" 

        I smiled, knowing that when he said that now he was messing with me. 

        "I've never celebrated it before. I don't know how to approach the subject." 

       Everyone turned to me with wide eyes and open mouths. Michael, Terron, Dylan, Jack. Nicholas walked in at that moment and looked at everyone. 

        "What's going on?" 

        Matt finally put himself together and walked over to Nicholas, propping his arm on his friend's shoulder. Pointing to me, he shakes his head in disbelief. 

        "Adam's birthday is today. And he's never celebrated it before." 

        Nicholas was staring at me solemnly before nodding his head in acceptance. 

        "So this is what we do. We get him a cake, a present and a awesome hat. Then we get his ass drunk." 

        I cleared my throat. 

        "I'm not legal yet guys." 

        They all looked at me with pointed stares. Okay, granted, I shouldn't have ever asked them in the first place. 

        That's how I had the best birthday in my entire life. That's' also how I learnt about my family.

        We were sitting around the living room having drinks or whatever. It was the first time I ever had alcohol let alone been around it. Matt and Dylan were playing the Call of Duty on the XBox and Nicholas, Terron and Jack were asking me about my life. I was tipsy and willingly answered their questions. 

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