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"oi! ai'boss!" king yelled out as he flipped his hair back and gave a glare to his friend. "how dumb do you have to be to not understand this?"

king and his four other friends were at the gear statue ground before their first class started. king himself was helping boss do his assignment last minute, and it wasn't helping either of them at all. the engineering student didn't understand how his friend had such a difficult time comprehending how a simple equation works and how to use it.

"don't call me dumb! i'm not dumb!" boss said back to his friend, denying everything that king is claiming.

"okay, sure. you're not dumb, you're stupid. you can't understand this equation? seriously?" king asked, pointing to a problem on the page with the equation that he wrote out for his friend. "you have to stop skipping classes. the teacher explained everything during the lecture and i'm trying to explain it to you in a more simple yet detailed way, but you still don't understand. stop skipping classes!"

"you know that's impossible for me," boss said, making king roll his eyes and let out a sigh.

"you know what? i give up," king said, and left boss alone to do his own assignment. bohn may be someone who causes king to lose his patience, but boss is on a whole other level with causing king stress. king wondered why he still bothers to tutor that guy when he knows that all he's going to get is a headache.

leaving the table and his group of friends, king headed over to the library, where he returned a couple books that he checked out last week and went to look through the shelves for others.

passing by one of the bookshelves, king took a look at several books, but none of them perked his interest. what did catch his attention, however, was a guy on the other side of the shelf leaning against a supporter while looking through a book, having a familiar dreamcatcher tattoo behind his ear. the sharp eyes and broad nose allowed for king to recall his memory and noted the male as ram.

the hazer senior made his way over to the other side of the shelf he was looking through and went to greet the junior. "ai'ning," he started, catching the attention of the other student. after seeing who it was, ram just looked back down towards the book without giving his senior much of a reaction.

"you responded to ai'ning. shows that you heard me on the bus yesterday and remembered what i decided to call you," king said, giving ram a grin that could cause the junior's whole face to light up as a response. but the mixed blooded student kept a stern look on his face and pretended to ignore the senior that was very obviously in front of him and very obviously distracting him.

"you're still not going to talk to me, ai'ning?" king asked after getting no response from the junior. ram just looked up at the senior once again before closing the book in his hands and walking away.

"oi! ai'ning! don't you know it's rude to walk away from your senior?" king asked, making sure he wasn't talking too loud as to not disturb the other students in the library. the king of engineering followed the mixed blooded junior out of the library and down the hallways.

"ai'ning. why won't you talk to me?"


"oi! can you hear me?"

"why won't you talk to me?" king asked for the third time now while still following ram down the hallway. the senior was so persistent in getting ram to talk to him and it made the junior feel happy inside for some unknown reason, maybe because no one has taken up this much interest in someone like him, silent and cold.

the whole purpose for ram to stay quiet is to attract as less attention to himself as possible. he only opens up to people who are close to him, yet he is aware that king doesn't know that yet since he still continues to talk to him even though he doesn't receive a response. the only people who probably know what he sounds like would be his teachers, friends, and bohn, who he had become close with over the past couple weeks. both had the common interest in protecting duen from the terrible and cold world around him, and that was one of the reasons why they became close.

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